I´ve read the books... what now?


Hi everyone.

I´m from Portugal and currently reading a lot.
Everything from charts, to tecnics, analises and teories.
I know... keep it simple.

I use:
- ThinkorSwim (DEMO) for general use, daytrading, scalping sometimes and CNBC. (I know they have very expenssive fees).

- Plus500 (DEMO) for general use and some more long term trades. (Very bad reviews for the real thing)

My interests are generals: Stocks, Futures and Comodities.
It seems Interactive Brocker is the most used but... there are so many softwares to choose from i don´t know where to start.
Also my first deposit will be around 10 000€
Hope its enough.

Could someone help me and point me a direction? What broker and what software?
I´m looking for a simple way to start with a honest and serious company and software.

Thank you
Best regards

Rui Ruivo
Interactive Brokers is a good broker, reliably large so you don't have to worry too much about them going bankrupt (hopefully - I smell a Black Swan in my own statement there) but their charting software is not great if you want to do lots of TA - but you can get good charting software that runs with it.

10,000 might be enough if your edge allows it. It depends what you want to do.

Spreadbetting could be an option initially for demoing with live money if you see what I mean.