I am a forex trader come from Taiwan


Dear All
I am a forex trader and I live in Taiwan.
I trade FX for 9 years, and I always use MT4 for automatic trading.
I set my trading system MAR must be more than 1 above during 13 years backtesting
(2003~2016) and the test precision also must by tick data.
I let my system online for 6 years. And now I am think to manager my system more efficient.
Hello and welcome to this forum, we all are her to gain and share some valuable knowledge here in, hope we will earn some good knowledge from you.
Hello and welcome to this forum, we all are her to gain and share some valuable knowledge here in, hope we will earn some good knowledge from you.

Thank you for your reply, I wish I can give people more knowledge from me also get more idea for trading from here.
Thank you!
Yeah, you could gain the knowledge in here, you could gain it through the post which the expert traders share here.
Dear All
I am a forex trader and I live in Taiwan.
I trade FX for 9 years, and I always use MT4 for automatic trading.
I set my trading system MAR must be more than 1 above during 13 years backtesting
(2003~2016) and the test precision also must by tick data.
I let my system online for 6 years. And now I am think to manager my system more efficient.

Is it possible to backtest your system? Do you have it attached to any monitoring websites like myfxbook or fxstat?