How to become a trader?


Junior member

I really want to learn to be a trader, but dont know where to start. I like FX and commodities, but everywhere I apply it seems I need a degree. I have spend 2 years at varsity studying Chem Engineering, another problem mite be that I'm South African.

Can anyone help with some advise?

the good news/bad news (depends how you look at it) is there isn't really a set route into trading. A lot of places advertise degrees are a must but there is absolutely no relationship (at least from what i've seen) between level of education and success as a trader. There are some great economists that are very clever and spent 4-5 years at uni but they are useless traders, and on the other hand i know lots of very "ordinary" people that probably dont have great c.vs that are awesome traders. So my advice is just keep knocking on doors, let them know you are really eager and are prepared to go 6 months with bad pay or even no pay at all (if you go the prop trade route this is almost a certainty). Its a bit of a numbers game just send your c.v out to every trading related firm you can find, the more you approach the higher your chances. They also usually like to see you have proven your interest in the subject i.e traded your own account / had work experience in a firm/ taught yourself on the subject. There is no common thing that makes a good trader they come from all walks of life but the thing that every person in the business has is they eat sleep and breath the markets, if you can get this across to a company you will be hired.
Good luck

Where would you look for trader jobs though. Are they advertised anywhere?

You can contact a headhunter. If not you can try things like