Okay here are the rules.
1. You can only submit to this thread if you reveal your own earning prediction.
2. You are given £100k to invest
3. You need to tell us how much you think you will earn over the next year. Or put another way how much you would have earned if you had been given a £100k a year ago and you can add a little bit for gained experince - but don't get carried away.
4.Please tell us what sort of trading you will use to achieve this and which company you will use.
5. Give your predictions for a number of percentiles (e.g. P50 is the expected earning P25 is the bad case and P75 is a good case, P1 is the worst possible case and P99 is the very best)
6. Not sure if this is allowed - but you recommend the post so that we get as many entries as possible 😀 . If this is not allowed - don't do it!
To start the ball rowling - I'll go first.
I would use a spreadbet account with deal4free and would trade the FTSE 100 rolling cash. I would deal in tiny amounts and never sell at a loss.
P1: -10% P25: 10% P50: 50% P75: 60% P99: 75%
1. You can only submit to this thread if you reveal your own earning prediction.
2. You are given £100k to invest
3. You need to tell us how much you think you will earn over the next year. Or put another way how much you would have earned if you had been given a £100k a year ago and you can add a little bit for gained experince - but don't get carried away.
4.Please tell us what sort of trading you will use to achieve this and which company you will use.
5. Give your predictions for a number of percentiles (e.g. P50 is the expected earning P25 is the bad case and P75 is a good case, P1 is the worst possible case and P99 is the very best)
6. Not sure if this is allowed - but you recommend the post so that we get as many entries as possible 😀 . If this is not allowed - don't do it!
To start the ball rowling - I'll go first.
I would use a spreadbet account with deal4free and would trade the FTSE 100 rolling cash. I would deal in tiny amounts and never sell at a loss.
P1: -10% P25: 10% P50: 50% P75: 60% P99: 75%