How many trading strategies do you use?


So I'm learning how to trade (successfully) and I hear a lot of noise of this technique, that technique and 100's of other strategies. Anyway I have decided to pick one and concentrate on it and see if it works. If it don't find another one that i feel is suitable and see how that goes. Which has got me thinking...

Do most traders use one or two techniques that they are very familiar with and know very well and occasionally tweek it and improve it despite there being less opportunities to trade.


Do traders know a lot of different different methods, and constantly look and learn different strategies so they have more opportunities to trade and be more profitable? (or make bigger losses)
I can only keep one thing in my head at a time and for a couple of years now have been using only a single strategy at a time. In fact, this has also been almost exclusively on a single market. Admittedly, I don't have the luxury (or is it penalty?) of unlimited access to the screen during the day so I physically can't trade a dozen markets using a dozen strategies each but focusing on one approach really keeps decision-making crystal clear.
And if your one strategy is profitable why do you need two?
So I'm learning how to trade (successfully) and I hear a lot of noise of this technique, that technique and 100's of other strategies. Anyway I have decided to pick one and concentrate on it and see if it works. If it don't find another one that i feel is suitable and see how that goes. Which has got me thinking...

Do most traders use one or two techniques that they are very familiar with and know very well and occasionally tweek it and improve it despite there being less opportunities to trade.


Do traders know a lot of different different methods, and constantly look and learn different strategies so they have more opportunities to trade and be more profitable? (or make bigger losses)

Who are you questionionging here, retrailarers, or pros? (you'll have to excuse my old keyboard)

Heeeeeeeress's's your answenr:L: NBER AK RETAILLers stupid Qquesteionas. Youi wikl get a stupid answerr.

Retailers make very little money out of the markets. (changed keyboard)
*sigh* Yeah a stripper.....

Anyway getting back to the subject

I kinda getting the picture now that I might be at the hardest part of the learning curve in trading in which I now need to have the patients to try different methods and different markets to find which works best. I'm guessing there is going to be a lot of trial and error for me now, I suppose this is where a lot people try and try and then give up. I just have to stick at it until I get it right.
*sigh* Yeah a stripper.....

Anyway getting back to the subject

I kinda getting the picture now that I might be at the hardest part of the learning curve in trading in which I now need to have the patients to try different methods and different markets to find which works best. I'm guessing there is going to be a lot of trial and error for me now, I suppose this is where a lot people try and try and then give up. I just have to stick at it until I get it right.

It's all a bit of a joke mate, can stop posting now.(just needed to give ya a friendly nudge)...t!t.