1. Don't go into debt, the psychological pressure to take low probability trades will be too great.
2. Get yourself an education, by whatever means you choose, in how to actually trade. This does NOT, imo, entail doing a Masters.
3. Start small and work your way up to an increasing trading pot, constantly taking steps to minimise pressure and stress.
4. Always keep it simple and easy and above all don't spend years of your life looking for a non-existent Holy Grail of trading.
5. Remember this business IS a business so treat it as such.
It requires great self discipline, application and humility to succeed, not just a will to do so.
Rashness and/or an urge to gamble WILL lead to failure.
But, before you even consider going down this road again, perhaps you might want to consider why you want to trade.
Is it merely the desire to escape from your present existence?
Or is the motivation more positive as well?
Do you really WANT to trade or simply escape?
Personally I wanted both and achieved my dream and hey, if I could do it, so can you - but be aware of what takes to get where you want to be.