Hi.Tonights picks are COL and SYE.
Whilst playing around with a few things, I realised that all my backtesting was subject to the "fast sell" algorithm.This should be used for your stop loss selections.For your maximum profit, you should run the test without the "sell after" option selected.This will allow your winners to run, but will get you out with the standard "protect 80% of profit above 5%" etc.This shows much better upside profit figures as the new chart below shows.RFT profit up from 27% to 41%;AVT profit up from 1.47% to 49%;TCH from a 6% loss to 27% profit and so on.So the picture is a lot more like the Grail performance of old......Remember, run with the "sell after" setting to check if a stock is in risk of a tumble, or is just having a minor correction/pullback!
As a comparison to 6 months ago, the typical "stock held days" seems to be longer at 19 days.The reward to risk ratio is excellent at 9.98, probability 68% and an AROI 450%.I LIKE these figures, but I wonder what happened to PHB @ -21% loss......
There is a clue in the recent history- back in october, it appeared overbought on stochastics @90 and sold off. On the 10th Jan, stochastics peaked @ 90, an indicated a sell.VP trend (Volume /price) also tanked pre drop as it did twice before.Was there bad news to go with this?
So here's the improved results:
Whilst playing around with a few things, I realised that all my backtesting was subject to the "fast sell" algorithm.This should be used for your stop loss selections.For your maximum profit, you should run the test without the "sell after" option selected.This will allow your winners to run, but will get you out with the standard "protect 80% of profit above 5%" etc.This shows much better upside profit figures as the new chart below shows.RFT profit up from 27% to 41%;AVT profit up from 1.47% to 49%;TCH from a 6% loss to 27% profit and so on.So the picture is a lot more like the Grail performance of old......Remember, run with the "sell after" setting to check if a stock is in risk of a tumble, or is just having a minor correction/pullback!
As a comparison to 6 months ago, the typical "stock held days" seems to be longer at 19 days.The reward to risk ratio is excellent at 9.98, probability 68% and an AROI 450%.I LIKE these figures, but I wonder what happened to PHB @ -21% loss......
There is a clue in the recent history- back in october, it appeared overbought on stochastics @90 and sold off. On the 10th Jan, stochastics peaked @ 90, an indicated a sell.VP trend (Volume /price) also tanked pre drop as it did twice before.Was there bad news to go with this?
So here's the improved results: