Historical data and end of day feeds for commodities needed

Johnny Bravo

Historical data and end of day feeds


Am completely new to t2w but having spent a couple of hours browsing, am really impressed. Have backtested and traded a trend-following system that I've been developing for about 3 years now and have read loads, wasted money etc. but have been seeing light at the end of the tunnel recently. Have been using Sharescope, which for the money has been excellent. However, I would like to trade more than just UK shares and indices. Can anyone recommend a piece of software with an end of day data feed (and good historical charted data) for commodity futures? Even commodity brokers themselves have little idea! I need more detail and flexibility than most sites like futuresource or tradingcharts offer, for example, dragging and highlighting particular time periods is really helpful on Shrescope (as are log charts and the flexibility to view historical data as a line graph, candlesticks, etc.).

Any suggestions gratefully received!!
For commodity data, check out DataTools. It's suited to backtesting since it provides back-adjusted continuous futues charts. Without such charts, it's very difficult to backtest any systems against commodities. Roll dates can be customised if you have your own criteria for identifying such dates. The futures data is in MetaStock and ASCII format so you can easily import it into your favourite charting application.


On the surface of it, that looks great! Much obliged. Will trial the software for 3 weeks.

Many thanks.
