Help, sun java realtime charts not working anymore.


Junior member
Hello everyone,

Recently i have encountered major difficulties with connecting to the real time java chart for my broker (lindwaldock). i have called a few times and they said my incident has been an isolated one.
It started around when the server for my shared apartment went down. It was fixed and theres seemed to be no problems with connecting to anything besides msn live messenger and the realtime chart. At first it was only during rush hour, so i thought maybes its cause of the extra traffic + me being on other side of world. Then it couldnt connect no matter what time of day it was. I thought the problem could either be server for shared apartment (but everything else works fine, msn sometimes) or installation of mozilla 3 (that kept crashing for about a week). I have tried reinstalling java numerous times with different versions and back to old version of mozilla, tried using IE, nothing has worked. I might have made things worse.

This stuff is way over my head and ive been stressing a bit from no charts and have resorted to refreshing my account page like every 5 sec to see price action.

Can someone please look at the code java console to see if anything is wrong?

=> eSignal Interactive Charts, Copyright © 1999-2007, Build QM132 of 03/12/08 <=
Signature for verified and is OK.
Authentication Check is enabled.
Checking for the DisplayToolbar parameter... found.
Checking for the Agregation parameter... found.
Checking for the AllSessions parameter... not found.
Checking for the TickFilter parameter... not found.
Warning: Tick Filter assumed.
Checking for the Symbol parameter... found.
Checking for the BarType parameter... found.
Checking for the BackgroundImage parameter... found
Checking for the Study parameter... not found.
Checking for the Annotation parameter... not found.
Checking for the PriceLevel parameter... not found.
Checking for the History parameter... not found.
Checking for the EnableSymbolChoice parameter... not found.
Checking for the SymbolMap parameter... not found.
Checking for the AllowedAggregations parameter... not found.
Checking for the AllowedStudies parameter... not found.
Checking for the AllowedTools parameter... not found.
Checking for the CursorTracking parameter... not found.
Checking for the TimeScale parameter... not found.
Checking for the DataView parameter... not found.
Checking for the DataViewFontSize parameter... not found.
Checking for the AutoScale parameter... not found.
Checking for the DisplayCurrentValuesOnVerticalScale parameter... not found.
Checking for the DisplayChartHeaders parameter... not found.
Checking for the Snap parameter... not found.
Checking for the SeparatorColor parameter... not found.
Checking for the TimeDisplayType parameter... not found.
Checking for the PlotColor parameter... not found.
Checking for the AreaPlotColor parameter... not found.
Checking for the HollowCandleColor parameter... not found.
Checking for the FilledCandleColor parameter... not found.
Checking for the HollowCandleOutlineColor parameter... not found.
Checking for the FilledCandleOutlineColor parameter... not found.
Checking for the DisplayProperties parameters... Checking for the LoadPreferences parameter... found.
Checking for the CTS Net Trader URL parameter... not found.
22:34:09 Attempting to connect.
Server connection (S) #0 created.
New session state: Communication, connected = false
USE_TI_STUDIES is disabled for this build.
22:34:14 Socket connected
Client Protocol # = 232
IMAF is enabled (Invisible On).
Server Name = FSXTRA-B-08
Server URL =
User authorized.
Sending SubscribeQuery for symbol CL V8=1
Server Quote Limit =100

Receiver thread (S) #1 exiting.
Waiting 10 seconds to reconnect.
New session state: WaitingBetweenConnections
22:38:54 Communication error: Read timed out
Socket (S) #1 closed.
Sender thread (S) #1 exiting.

Really appreciate it if someone could help.

THank You,

Hello everyone,

It started around when the server for my shared apartment went down.


What do you mean ? Are you sharing a DSL connection via a router ? Who fixed the "server" ?

The log seems to show that a connection can't be established. Possibly outbound connections on the port used by the software are now being blocked at the router/firewall. I'd start by having a word to whoever "fixed" the "server". Find out from your broker what port(s) the software uses and confirm that these are not being blocked at the local firewall.
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What do you mean ? Are you sharing a DSL connection via a router ? Who fixed the "server" ?

The log seems to show that a connection can't be established. Possibly outbound connections on the port used by the software are now being blocked at the router/firewall. I'd start by having a word to whoever "fixed" the "server". Find out from your broker what port(s) the software uses and confirm that these are not being blocked at the local firewall.

Yeah, using a shared dsl connection via a router. As for who fixed it, the landlord, he just reset it i think. i havent made any changed to my router/firewall settings (charts used to work fine) but maybe and update for mcafee changed it. thanks for the suggestion, ill give my broker a call about he ports.

btw, thx for quick response too, this has been very stressing.
Usually you can bring up the router homepage / settings via typing in the address bar of a browser: (Last number usually changes occasionally).

Via this I can open ports etc. Hope that might help?
thanks for the input guys.

but things have become more confusing for me. I thought it was the high traffic that made it unable to connect but sometimes its unable to connect during non peak hours. If it was the server blocking it then shouldnt it be unable to connect all the time or maybe its limiting it? However it works perfectly fine at times. I have tried it with my firewall off and it doesnt seem to make a difference. the problem occurs during so many different situations that its hard to see what the problem is. maybe its a bunch of small factors coming together. It used to work fine before too, maybe updating mozilla had something to do with it since java runs over browser settings but i have reinstalled the old version.

im out of ideas. this isnt going to help my hairline =(
Hello thanks for the help everyone.

the problem still comes up every now and then but if i ask the landlord to reset the router everytime this happens, seems to help for a while. It didnt work at first so i thought reseting wasnt gonna help but after the 2nd time it made a difference.