HELP! Stock market simulators??


Does anyone know if stock market simulators are a good subtitue for the real thing and where are the best/most realistic ones. Your help needed.
Most simulators are hopelessly inaccurate and make you think you are better than you really are and for a number of reasons. I have developed one that those new to trading have found to be quite accurate but this is not available to the general public or for sale, however I may make it available at some point in the future and FOC if I do.


Free simulators.
Use real index data, live, for free.
Dow Jones 30 - S&P 500 - Nasdaq 100 - FTSE 100 - CAC 40 - DJ EuroStoxx 50
EUR/USD - GBP/USD - USD/CHF - USD/JPY - And more...

Or trade real-time Futures etc using Interactivebrokers data feed.
And the Sim can convert to live operation if you prefer it to the brokers platform.

Depends which market you want to simulate. For index futures I haven't found a simulator that does the trick - i.e. gives you a chart AND simulates the order entry, using the same prices for both. The ones I've seen are all order only, no chart - you get the chart from somewhere else, but the simulator's prices never match up to someone else's chart prices, so totally useless. Maybe forex is different.
There is a considerable difference between what price a chart is showing and the actual price that you would be able to get filled at. For example, the last traded price maybe 10400 (which is what a chart would show), but you may find that the Bid is at 10390 and the Ask is at 10410 so if you wanted to Buy then you would most likely get filled at 10410 and if you wanted to Sell then you would most likely get filled at 10390. In either case you would be 10 points away from what the chart is showing. I know this is an extreme example but it does matter. Also most simulators do not take commission costs into consideration in the P&L which again distorts the true picture.


Thanks to all who replied. You've been a great help. May you all rake in the dosh!