help please Adobe


Experienced member
Do any techie people know how to solve this problem,i'm baffled.Last week I downloaded/updated IE from the microsoft website.Now I cannot seem to open any Adobe Acrobat Reader attatchments i receive via e-mail.Tonite I downloaded the latest version of Acrobat 5.0,thinking that the Microsoft download may have caused the previous Acrobat 4.0 version I had installed to go tits up!!.
I now have Acrobat 5.0 and 4.0 but still cannot open any attachments.Any help appreciated.

Take off all the adobe from the control panel add/remove and re install. Have a look at control panel, internet options, advanced; and make sure that microsoft vm hasn't reinstalled itself over the java.
Thanks,will try that...noticed this today tho.It is possible for me to view online statements in seems the problem is opening up the Adobe attatchments when delivered via e-mail....should I still continue with the above ??

No, least I haven't any ticked on my computers. The java one should be though. If not, you will have to download the latest from the java site. Someone will tell me if I am wrong, but I read somewhere that the vm was being stopped.

No, hold on. I remember now. CMC deal4free have stopped using the microsoft vm and have switched to the java because the vm was giving too many problems.

One of the best people to ask would be JohhnyT or Chartman.
General advice, go to microsoft's knowledge base, select your application package, or operating system, then type in a broad based problem/topic.
So for steve's problem, select IE6 and then type adobe in the box that says " find solutions containing".....

If you can't find a reference to your problem , be a bit cunning. For example, I typed in PDF and it found nothing! I had to type Adobe.
Put the link on your favourites page so you never need to look it up again. It's a true gold mine of information. Makes a change. :cheesy: