Guru Dan Ferrera Broke!


Active member
Seems market Seer Dan Ferrera has fallen on hard times and is now financially embarrassed in finding the collage fees for his sons education.

But wait, is this the same Dan Ferrera that for several decades has written books on how to successfully time the markets with God like precision, yes it is!

Some of his books come with $10,000 price tags.

If your a Seer of the markets with God like timing abilities, then how do you end up struggling to pay your children's collage fees?

Appears Ferrera does not have any of these self proclaimed God like abilities after all, he's a mere mortal.

Those that can do and those that can't write books.

Our Nan say's...he couldn't time an egg let alone the markets!

From From: Sacred Science Institute
Date: 12 October 2016 at 01:21
Subject: Ferrera Tuition Special - SAVE 25% TO 35% OFF ALL FERRERA COURSES...
Dear Ferrera Mailing List,

As some of you are aware, Dan Ferrera’s first son is now in his second year of college. Due to this, about twice a year Dan is hit with the typical HUGE tuition fees that many parents experience. So we take this opportunity to give a special offer to all of you, while also helping to drum up tuition payments for Dan’s son.

So, for this next week we are offering a super deep special on ALL of Ferrera’s books and courses, with a sliding scale of savings. (see below and the attached Filesfor a list of all of Ferrera’s books).
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problem solved

Our Nan texts me, come on down, crikey, more chocolate your heart out Mary Berry.

No sooner in the door, Nan puts this book into my hand.

Good Grief, it can’t be... IT IS.

Dan Ferrera’s book titled Spirals of Growth and Decay. Hells Bloody Bells!

Oh Nan I say, you haven’t spent your pension have you!....the book retails for $10,000 from the Sacred Science Institute.

Nan assures me that she's not that daft and still has all her marbles.

Oh I get’s a case of Nudge-Nudge Wink-Wink, Say no more!

Blimey our Nan must be well connected. Well, actually she is. She used to live in a castle, but now she lives in a home...a Stately Home, just a family joke!

So back to Dan and the answer to Dan’s problem is right there in his book.

Found in Dan's Spiral book...

On page 63 Dan writes...This is a true Million Dollar Secret that I have taught to a chosen few and it has made them all market experts.

Page 65...This chart alone is worth a fortune.

Page 70...This is a close to the Holy Grail as you are ever going to get.

Page 79 The information given already is worth several thousand times the cost of the book.

Page 81 At one time I was going to charge the Wall St Institutional millions to have this information.

Page 135 It is truly incredible how many near market top and bottoms have been accurately timed using this unique approach.

Page 162 Pleas note that these 2 Keys alone are worth Millions of dollars.

I see it Dan, all you have to do is ask those few chosen people who are now super duper stock market Zillionaires that you mention on page 63 for a HANDOUT...I’m sure they would stick there hands in their pockets and come up with a few Ben Franklins to help you out. After all, you did all of them a favour!

Dan, Let me know how you get on!
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