Guppy Multiple Moving Averages and Bob Laidlaw's Formula


While reading Guppy's Multiple Moving Avearges ( MMA--which i found to be very useful while reading Charts to determine Trend), I came across Bob Laidlaw's search formula, which helps in identifying when Guppy's MMA's are coming closer to turn upward / downword. Laidlaw has given 7 custom indicators and one exploration formula is also given. One such Indicator is given as follows:

MMA 10/45

And likewise 7 other indicators are given for other averages.

Thereafter one exploration formula is given. In Col D it says Fml("mma 3/30")+fml("mma 5/35") and likewise for other moving averages. When i put ndicators in Indicator builder, it gives error : "MMA" not valid function etc. And in explorer window it says fml("mma 3/30") missing or something like that.

Can anybody guide me as to 1) whether any syntax is to be followed(e.g. capitalisation etc.) while putting formulas in Indicator builder? 2) what is the link between indicator builder and the Explorer window. and 3) what is the meaning of MMA 10/45
IF(OSCp(10,45,E,%)>0,+1,-1 in explorer window.

Please help me as i feel that this formula will be very useful in exploring probable trading candidates. If necessary pl. Mail me the solution at [email protected]. Thanks
Look in 'G' for an Exploration formula:!-MSZ-index-en.html
Trdr said:
Look in 'G' for an Exploration formula:!-MSZ-index-en.html

Many Thanks Trdr for your quick response. I copy pasted the formula link given by you in Explorer and tried to back test it for about 10 / 15 days data. However, not a single scrip was returned by the search. The following formula was pasted by me in the explorer

((Mov(CLOSE,3,E)+Mov(CLOSE,5,E) + Mov(CLOSE,8,E)+Mov(CLOSE,10,E) +
Mov(CLOSE,12,E)+Mov(CLOSE,15,E)) - (Mov(CLOSE,30,E)+Mov(CLOSE,35,E) +
Mov(CLOSE,40,E)+Mov(CLOSE,45,E) + Mov(CLOSE,50,E)+Mov(CLOSE,60,E)))*10;
(Mov((Mov(CLOSE,3,E)+Mov(CLOSE,5,E) + Mov(CLOSE,8,E)+Mov(CLOSE,10,E) +
Mov(CLOSE,12,E)+Mov(CLOSE,15,E)) - (Mov(CLOSE,30,E)+Mov(CLOSE,35,E) +
Mov(CLOSE,40,E)+Mov(CLOSE,45,E) + Mov(CLOSE,50,E)+Mov(CLOSE,60,E)),13,E))*10;0;

I do not know whether there was some error from my side in the sintax. In few of these dates which I back tested,an eye ball search of few charts were satisfying Guppy's criteria, i.e. Short and long term moving averages were almost converging, but the search did not returned these securities. PLEASE GUIDE ME. While reading Daryl Guppy's book "Market Trading Tactics" I have come across following indicator list :
MMA 10/45
mov(c,10,e) / mov(c,45,e)
{MMA 12/50}
{MMA 15/60}
{MMA 3/30}
{MMA 5/35}
{MMA 8/40}
Fml("MMA 3/30")+Fml("MMA 5/35")+Fml("MMA 8/40")+Fml("MMA 10/45")+Fml("MMA 12/50")+Fml("MMA 15/60")

and the corresponding Exploration formula was like tgis:

col A
col b
col c
col d
Fml("mma 3/30")+Fml("mma 5/35")+Fml("mma 8/40")+Fml("mma 10/45")+Fml("mma 12/50")+Fml("mma 15/60")
col e
Ref(Fml("mma 3/30")+Fml("mma 5/35")+Fml("mma 8/40")+Fml("mma 10/45")+Fml("mma 12/50")+Fml("mma 15/60"),-1)
when(cold,>,0) and when(cole,<=,0)

When I tried to put this in Indicator list and Explorer Window respectively, it gives an error, as indicated by me in my earlier post. Would you please explain me why Meta Stock returns error and whether i need to do something else. Please please help me. Thanks
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Sorry Ugkash, can't help you with coding, perhaps Jose or another coder will assist.
Trdr said:
Sorry Ugkash, can't help you with coding, perhaps Jose or another coder will assist.

Oh! Thanks Trdr for your instant response.

Can some Expert help me ?
Ugkash, please don't waste too much time on the GMMA - use it only as a way to learn MetaStock programming.

Think "journey", not "destination".

jose '-)