Google acting weird. Pages not opening.


Legendary member
Whenever I enter a search term, and then click on any link, the page takes ages, and eventually gives a time-out (Wait or Kill Page message)
However, if I right-click and select "open in new tab", no problem.

Has Google gone all wonky, or is it just me?

Sometimes it does weird things if it needs restarting, it might have a little exclamation mark in the top right corner, you need to click that and it'll tell what you need to do. Also is it all sites, or just this one?
Actually I assume you're talking about Google search engine, and you might not even be using Chrome. I'd just probably restart my machine, that normally fixes most problems.
was happening on all pages.
now appears to be sort of OK. (tried Trorex Tractory, EliteTrader, etc)
still getting occasional "kill page" message within T2W.

Just did a speed test. All good.
Might just re-boot. Weird though.
Same here too. At just the same time. Getting all sorts of privacy error messages. The router re-set itself repeatedly. But then some sites load with no issue while others still wouldn't load. All now seems OK and I haven't done anything. Spent an hour playing ARMA3 via Steam, no issues at all. What is all this BS?
Update on my PC's error messages.

Had a word with the local PC repair firm. FWIW, they said a privacy error message, about connection not secure and BS on the screen about security certificates and suchlike would 100% be a faulty BT router. Didn't want to take my money for an engineer service call-out!

Ironically, the connection is now fine this am but if it recurs I will do as they say and call BT.
BT confirm line has been tested and is indeed faulty. Their engineer will be rectifying this asap.....
BT line fixed.

Which is a relief because I've been expecting a call from Theresa May any minute for at least a week...........