Global Futures


Junior member
Hello Guys !
I´m in Brazil and I trade the Brazilian Future Stock Index.

I will now have some time in the night and I´m considering trade other markets !

I was taking a look to the GlobalFutures (Broker) and considering opening an account with them....
Soes anyone uses their service?

Ps.... I was looking all the messages in the forum and considering use Sierra Chart with IB....
Do you guys think it´s good for trade ?

Thanks a lot

Guilherme !
I trade with Global every day. I'v traded with their Strategy Runner Platform for about 8 months now. I've had no real problems with them.
Bom Dia, guibraga, I use IB for electronic and Refco for floor biz. Between them they give me the widest global coverage, (except Brasil!!!). If anyone knows of better coverage would love to know - don't know Global Futures.
Global Futures don't post their commission rates because they will try and charge you as much as they can. They say that their rates are based on account size and volume, but I know of previous customers who were being charged more than others who had less volume and less money with them.
Re: Global Futures

I can vouch for what cwebbwash said. I used them back in 2001 when I started trading. They charged me $18 roundtrip for e-mini futures. Couple of months later I realized they were charging $10 for someother guys who did trades like I did.
thanks for the reply BOBLEG.......I've had a futures account with Global for about 6 months now and have had no problems so far.........I'm getting a rate of $5.30 roundtrip and have had no real problems with customer service so I think I'll stay with them for now. Maybe they've had a management change or somethng since you had an account with them.......I don't know. I'm not saying that I'm married to them but, so far, I've had pretty good service from them. Just switched to the Trade Maven platform from the Strategy Runner and it's one slick platform. Much quicker and cleaner than SR.
low rates and good service

The proprietary trading group, VTrader Group LLC, has a customer brokerage called VTFutures. They charge $3.90 round turn for e-mini S&P with $500/mo software fee (choice of X_Trader, Ffastfill, GL Trade) both of these fees are lower with volume. If you DON'T want to pay a monthly software fee, they charge $4.90 for J-Trader and $5.40 for Strategy Runner with all fees included

Best part, they pick up the phone quickly and ALL their fees are posted on their website.

Proprietary trading, equities, and special eSignal charting discounts for customers are also available
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Sportsrep, you say you were using strategy runner at global futures. Were you running in automated mode (with your code stored and excuted on their servers?)

If so, did you develop your own strategy or use one of theirs?

What is better about trade maven?
JumpOff said:
Sportsrep, you say you were using strategy runner at global futures. Were you running in automated mode (with your code stored and excuted on their servers?)

If so, did you develop your own strategy or use one of theirs?

What is better about trade maven?


Actually, the reason I switched from SR was because Global was having a disagreement with SR and I was unable to trade the YM on SR because they were having some sort of squable with the exchange but after I switched to TM I knew there would be no going back to SR just because of the speed of TM if nothing else. TM is much more responsive and the fills are quicker, I was not using an SR strategy.....just using the dome to place bracketed orders. I highly recommend that you check out TM. They have some things coming online within a month that may let you trade from their platform alone without the need for e-signal or any other charting platform. They are great people to work with and are very trader oriented. They have their own charts attached to the platform, which are not great right now, but they are in the process of upgrading them considerably so that you will be able to use them to trade off of. There are several other additions coming, too numerous for me to go into here. There is a $50/mnth charge for TM but SR has recently added the same charge for their platform. The site address for TM is it out. You'll be glad you did.