general options trading question


Junior member
When one places an option order, does it take long for the order to go through? (compared to placing stock orders). and is the order confirmed the same day?
If you place a market order, then speed of execution will be essentially the same as with a stock order, though lower liquidity could create some delays. If you use a stop or limit order, then obviously there are other considerations.

Confirmation timing most certainly should come the same day, but the timing of that is all based on your broker. I personally get confirmation on my trading screen as soon as the transaction is executed, then an email at the end of the day or overnight.
depends if the order can screen executed there and then or it needs to be shooped around. many players dont like dealing small volume so u end up having to ring specialist '1 lot' market makers. orders that are filled have to be given to you as soon afterwards as possible..big bruvva rules....