Gann's Square of 9


Junior member
g'day everyone...

I have 3 questions.

Firstly, what is the significance of the Gann square of 9, and what is the mathematics behind it.

Secondly, With the Gann Fan, how do you adjust it to fit on a chart with 2 points every 2mm box and one day every 4mm (2 X 2mm boxes)?

Finally, is there any info on Mr Gann on this forum?

(sorry, it's my first post, but from what i've seen this forum looks like absolute gold! :cheesy: )
Hi Aricho,

W.D. Gann and his trading methods have to be among the most argued subjects in the trading world.

The Square of Nine(Sq9) at its simplest is a square root calculator and is used for forecasting possible support and resistance points. If a stock or commodity has made a high at say 449, it MAY find support at 368, which is the next number across going in to the centre of the Sq9. The maths behind this are simple: The square root of 449 is 21.18962. From here all you do is subtract 2 and then re-square to get 368. Had 449 been a low and you were wanting to find a resistance high, instead of subtracting 2 you would add it. The rest of the equation stays the same. In this case you would get a resistance point at 538, which is the number on the other side of 449 in case you hadn't noticed!

This is its most basic function, but Gann was heavily into Astrology and many people claim that the Sq9 can be used to predict TIME, not just price, via other spooky methods.

Hope this has been of some help to you.

Best wishes,

Cheers guys, that was all good

Do you believe in Mr Gann's methods? what is the general belif around here?

I was just reading some past threads where a nut called lord someone was sayin how wrong it was but was lacking any proof....

What do most people think about gann round here and what do they use for analysis?

Hi again Aricho,

Belief is not truth. Everyone (and most definitely myself included - this post is testament to it) has their beliefs/opinions, but unless a subject can be irrefutably proven beyond all doubt, then what we believe about it has questionable merit. Beliefs generally are a conditioning that come out of our nurture, education and limited experience of the world. If you were born in Afghanistan, its pretty likely you believe in Islam! If your entire family have voted Labour and supported Peebles Rovers football team, then the likelihood is that so will you. Of course this is a very generalised take on it and not always the case. If however, you have a leaning towards the esoteric and are intrigued by puzzles, then you will probably side with the people who claim Gann was Jesus with a brokerage account. On the other hand, If you consider yourself a practical person and switch channels whenever an X-Files repeat comes on, then you probably won't side with him! Personally, I'm 70/30 in favour of him, but as I'm not a bazillionaire yet, it means nothing.

Like I said in my first post, Gann is consistently the topic of hot debate and ShackledTrousers pointed you in the right direction if you wish to read the seemingly endless messages about him. If you do want to take a look at these groups, I'd suggest going to and not Click on 'Groups' and type his name. The .com registry is far more comprehensive than our one.

Gann could be considered the first trading superguru, the likes of which Stanzione and friends only dream of becoming. He is at the forefront of what Alexander Elder (someone who is completely anti-Gann) calls the 'Perfect Order' movement. In my own unfunny way, I've already described the psychology of this group of devotees. Testing the waters is always good, but just be careful not to get sucked right in. They can steal a huge amount of time from you.

The biggest problem of all with Gann concerns the book 'The Tunnel Thru The Air' which can be obtained in PDF format from various of the aforesaid groups. This book is responsible for an army of mini-gurus who through their own interpretative genius claim to be able to shed light on its underlying meaning and thus make YOU a trading demigod. There are not only the books, but seminars, software and strange plastic objects that you can fiddle around with over your charts to buy!

My humble advice to you is that if you wish to study Gann, go to the source - his books. Don't get caught up in the circus that has been built up around him.

Best wishes.

Thanks very much for taking the time to reply, i'll go there 2 read more

Thanks again and best wishes
Gann methods do not work. I'd be interested to listen from those who think otherwise.

See what I mean about belief? 😆
Next someone will come on and go "Yes they do!" and that's when all Hell lets loose...
Don't listen to anyone, including ME, but find out for yourself if you are so inclined.

Gann's Square of 9 on Facebook Stock

This is a real applicaton of Gann Square of Nine (the real name is MASTER TIME AND PRICE CALCULATOR) for recent trading daily on Facebook Stock (FB:US):


  • fb gannwheel chart1.PNG
    fb gannwheel chart1.PNG
    80.3 KB · Views: 5,817
So based on the above, what does it tell you about trading soybean futures? What would you do next based on this diagram and what does it tell you about time and entry levels and exit time and/or levels? Thanks.
So based on the above, what does it tell you about trading soybean futures? What would you do next based on this diagram and what does it tell you about time and entry levels and exit time and/or levels? Thanks.

Now I have 2 Buy level : 1411 and 1391. Stop loss 1351, 1st target 1501. Step intermediate 1449 and 1487. Final target 1728.8
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Now I have 2 Buy level : 1411 and 1391. Stop loss 1351, 1st target 1501. Step intermediate 1449 and 1487. Final target 1728.8
You can follow all my operations on Soybean at the link: - Commodities

After buy to 1411, soybeans surge to 1492, to their highest price in more than seven days on Wednesday. Once again Gann master chart allows us to make a big profit.
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Hi celeron,

Can i ask you how long time you've spent on studying Gann theory?


I spent more than 10 years to have a fairly complete knowledge of all aspects of the Gann theory.
If you want some advice you can contact me personally.