Futex and Met Traders


I see on efinancialcareers that both of these prop firms are recruiting now. I know there have been threads in the past regarding this issue and I have read them, however, I would like some more up to date opinions if they are different.

Which place is better in people's opinion?

What are the pluses and minus' of each?

I see on efinancialcareers that both of these prop firms are recruiting now. I know there have been threads in the past regarding this issue and I have read them, however, I would like some more up to date opinions if they are different.

Which place is better in people's opinion?

What are the pluses and minus' of each?


MET are based in West Hampstead, Futex will have you working out of Woking. MET offices are nicer but are a smaller team.

Really though it won't matter much as if you are one of the few that will make it in the game then as long as the firms stay well funded and give you appropriate trading sizes then you will do well. I believe both are decent firms, what will essentially matter more is seeing the types of people you will work with.

Also note: You will be self employed, you will have to be financially self sufficient for the first 6 months - year. It is important to know this first