FTSE 100 + Dow RT Data Feed Advice Please

Greed Is Good

Had search here and cannot find any recent info on this so wonder if someone could oblige.

What I require is a London based ultra reliable, very low latency, realtime tick by tick data feed for FTSE100, FTSE100 Futures, DJI ,Nymex & Level2 FTSE which also allows me to config each chart so that it is on the same screen/web page & or on its own screen/web page.

I had a look @ ADVFN and thought it was the one for me..... Then yesterday afternoon saw it was down for over 3 hours and now the realtime data is just not accurate & some of the markets are lagging by over a minute (they have a free trial today for both level1 + 2 streaming RT data).

Bloomberg seems to be my best choice but is a little pricey. I wonder if there are any alternatives to this.

Many Thanks In Advance