Free real time level II

You will never find truely free level2 as the vendor must pay a licensing fee to the exchange - ie the LSE charge a fee for every device that will be used for Level2 access. Some firms will offer to throw in Level2 access if you do x amount of trades per month though.

Trust me they can't!
Do you have the real price of the stock at that point in time on another service? Sometimes companies claim real-time level2 but it is only synthetic - they add a spread themselves so as to get round the rules.

There are no free lunches unfortunately
The Level II you are seeing is from ECNs for the Nasdaq and does not include MM quotes. However, it is realtime and is free.

Guess things have changed by now - just went to these site and was taken to ehow?

Any idea where I can get free realtime Level 2 quotes?
The only true free real-time level 2 quotes that is actually working

All the links here are dead when it comes to free real-time level 2 quotes from NYSE. Semmo Network is indeed America's No1 site for free level 2 quotes.