Free PDF Copy of ROSO


Has anybody else managed to get hold of this?

I lost my copy of on a Ryanair flight about a year ago.
Got an email with this in it.

Such a fantastic book. It would make such a great film this book. But no all the film companys are interested in is rubbish, sleazy trash with people made of plastic and silicone.
Toyally agree, it would be an absolute epic if done right. It was reading this book that got me hooked on trading. I found it one night on Amazon and read all the free pages they allow you and then went and bought it the next day. I couldn't point my finger at any one thing in it that has helped my trading but i'm sure the gems have been absorbed subconciously. There is still plenty of wisdom within that is relavent today.

If anyone wants the pdf version a quick search on Google turns up at least 2 places to download it for free!

As a thought, if we could get all the Brokers & SB companies to back the making of it i'm sure it would drum up plenty of business for them. On the other hand it might just show people what the bucket shops of today are up to ;)
I agree with all you said MarkB.
Especially about what todays bucket shops are up too.
It truly is a great read. I only managed to print it all off yesterday (Printed on both sides of the paper for all you Forest lovers out there, 94pgs against 188pgs) and only managed to read a few pages last night but great to have it again, not that I was that stingy about paying out for the book again, was just so gutted I lost the book.

For the film it would be great. Just hope that if they do they dont turn it into a typical Hollywood........"lets make it appeal to teenagers to get more money" sleaze fest.

I'm going off on one now.................!!! get so stressed with the films of today so will stop there.

So how can it be that its a book in print but its available as a copy for anyone to print off?. Trying to get my head round this one. Has someone bought the copyright to it or is it because it has been in print for so long that anyone can do it for a book of a certain age?