Forum Members!


Hi everyone,

I recently discovered T2W and absolutely love it. Most contributing members are incredibly polite and helpful. So I finally made myself post and introduce myself!

I’m Sam, 26 and I’m absolutely new to trading. In Feb 2010, after being tired of my Job I decided to learn to become a trader and investor in stocks/shares. Plan to become an experienced full-time trader/investor by the age of 30!

As I am new, and don’t know many traders here I’d appreciate if you guys can briefly introduce yourselves too.

I also have some questions which I hope some of you guys can help me with. As I would like to trade stock in the US to start with I have unsuccessfully tried to open a US brokerage account with E-trade & Fidelity. Being completely new to the game I was refused on the grounds that I do not have a social security number or a valid US address. Can somebody please enlighten me as to how I’d go about opening a legitimate US Brokerage account? As a beginner I only want to trade common stocks and not be a jack of all trades!

Secondly, I have read William J O’Neil’s book ‘how to make money in stocks’ and very much a fan of CAN SLIM strategy. I am also a member of IBD online. I would also like to subscribe to which is roughly about £75 a month. Can somebody please explain the difference between and something like Meta Trader or Techni Trader .

I am aware that my questions could be thick but as I said I am very new to investing and any help will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

try look at Scottrade, Charles scwab, TD Ameritrade.

Mr.Charts is US stock trader, try ask him which broker he use
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Hi SmartTrader,
Welcome to T2W!
Older members can tell you're new to the forum by the comment "Most contributing members are incredibly polite and helpful."
First off take a look at the Essentials Of 'First Steps Sticky. Hopefully, this will give you a clearer picture of what T2W is all about and what you can hope to get from the site. CANSLIM is more of an investing approach to the markets than trading the markets - which is the primary focus of this site. Even so, we have a sub-forum devoted to this well respected method: CANSLIM Investing.

I can't answer your question about the difference between DailyGraph and MetaTrader as I've not even heard of the former! However, £75.00 per month seems like a lot to pay as, presumably, you'll only require end of day (EoD) data for your CANSLIM strategy. There are cheaper options out there. Lots of members use this software which is completely free and a good place to start until you know exactly what you want and what you'll have to pay for:
Enjoy your journey!