Forex Options


Found a forex options provider that offers spot and options trading with cross margining. The options are the vanilla American style, not the "one touch" exotics type. Their options platform is excellent and their margin requirements to write options is the most sensible I've seen. is the site

Way to go sellputs, you'r in houston, cfosfx is in houston, 1st post, talk about subtle.
ok, but......

OK, not so subtle. Really just looking for feedback to get an idea of the interest in the service provided from Trade2Win members. CFOS/FX is offering forex spot and options trading from same account with cross margining. Again options are American style (early exercising allowed) and the margin required to write an option is delta-based. The further out-of-the-money, the lower the required margin. Easy to employ various hedging strategies, etc. Really haven't seen quite the same offering anywhere else, at least not online. Feedback?
I am new to FOREX options trading and will enter the FOREX options market, too.

Have done my research and want to know how you're doing with this wesbite.

I intend to start with a minimum margin account, work out the kinks, and go from there.

Cna you answer a few questions, such as, when an optoin is executed, where do the (hopefully) "gains" go? Are they attiributed to one's account with the company, and then must be transferred to the bank (and how?) if one choses not to reinvest these funds...?

Also wonder about the trading times. I am an American now living in South Korea, so I want to make sure I know all the ins-and-outs of this, first.

Thanks for your anticipated reply.
I am new to this forum and didn't check the date of the thread.

So, what about yoru trading skills. Are you into FOREX options?
buyers have the best options (no pun intended)! Writers lose