export data from Tradestation v4.1


Our Tradestation v4.1 can daily update data but we cannot export data to Ascii (.txt) or .xls file. 👎 , i want to convert to data format which can be imported to Amibroker v5.3
Does anyone know any tool or any way to export data from Tradestation v4.1?
Or you can develop the tool, please let me know. Or could you please introduce someone, some websites, some companies can do this task? :cheesy:😍
The provider in my country just can provide Tradestation v4.1 with my country’s market data so I cannot upgrade to higher version. I don’t know when I can use the higher version. If possible, the export tool may be compatible with higher version of Tradestation in case we can use higher version later.
We need it in urgent. Thanks a lot:clap:
You can manually export text files of your chart data according to the time frame and data history selected in the Format System defination of the selected chart by doing the following:

Select: View -> data window -> click left hand upper corner (left from window heading) -> Select: Send to file -> Save text file and convert these to Asci etc.
Hi Tisaigon,

Hope Martina's post help you, Also when select View -> data window -> right click and make sure you selected show all data, otherwise it will show only a selected bar's data.