Excel style programming problem

FTSE Beater

Experienced member
Hi all

I'm attempting to program a macro to run another one and I can't for the life of me figure it.

I've got a file called sigtools.xla and in it there is a file called DDE MatrixFill (for those of you who use e-signal, it's a clever little program for getting data into Excel).

What is the macro code to get another macro to run :confused:

Any help would be great :)
in Lotus, you would simply insert the name of the second macro in the next line of the first macro.
It would then be treated as a subroutine.
or you can name it as a subroutine or a branch.
In Excel VB, running the following....

Application.Run "'UK RS.xls'!FindStox"

would run the FindStox macro in the worksheet UK RS.

Hope this helps.