eSignal FX Data


Junior member
I am doing some research using eSignal's GTIS FX datafeed. However, it only provides bid quotes from participating market makers, the data sometimes is way out from the trades going through as some MMs have 10pip spreads on the euro and they can do an update only once every 30-60 minutes. I would be grateful if someone could tell me if there is a FX feed which shows real trades going through, may be from one particular MM. Failing that, is there a way to filter out the eSignal feed so that I can select just one MM's bid quotes?

Incidentally, I have the ProRealtime package as well, and it publishes real time trades going through, although I don't know the source.

The data that we display is the Bid/Ask data and not actually a traded price.
- eSignal Support.

Hi infobull,

The GTIS plots both bid and ask prices - not just the bid prices. Don't quite know how why they don't just plot bid or ask or last trraded price.

I have also raised questions about the GTIS feed on other threads. esignal have recently purchased the SP Comstock spot forex datafeed and will hopefully be offering it as an alternative to the GTIS spot datafeed in due course.

See these threads. -


jtrader said:
- eSignal Support.

[[The GTIS plots both bid and ask prices - not just the bid prices. Don't quite know how why they don't just plot bid or ask or last trraded price.]]

Thank you for the replies so far and the links.

Actually, eSignal only plots the various MMs' bid quotes in their charts for all time intervals except the tick interval. As I have the GTIS Market Depth, I can see all the quotes being published and it's only the bids which are plotted. In their advanced tick chart, you can select the option for them to show the bid and offer band. This is obviously of little use when most MMs are quoting 3pip spreads and all of a sudden, a "retail bank" publishes a 10 pip off market spread. I guess the latter have to do it this way as it only updates every 30-60 minutes more for retail rather than trading purposes.
Actually, eSignal only plots the various MMs' bid quotes in their charts for all time intervals except the tick interval.

Hi infobull

On a real-time non-tick/interval chart, are just the bid prices plotted by the GTIS datafeed?

Why doesn't the tick charts plot bid prices only? why does it also need to plot offer prices?

Many thanks

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[[On a real-time non-tick/interval chart, are just the bid prices plotted by the GTIS datafeed?]]

It's the bid quotes rather than the bid prices which are plotted. If you have eSignal's time and sales or market depth, you will see what I mean immediately. If you ahve, say, a 1 min or 5 min OHLC bar, all the movements up and down that bar are merely the different MMs publishing their bid quotes.

[[Why doesn't the tick charts plot bid prices only? why does it also need to plot offer prices?]]

In eSignal's tick chart, you can choose to have just the bid, offer or both plotted. However, as you are only receiving the quotes, you won't see any live prices(the black dots).

BTW, I just got a reply back from Ensign saying their software can take in a spot feed from IB with actual trades publsihed by either barclays or Tullett. So the OHLC bar will probably be more meaningful.

I have also got a reply from proRealTime, the charting package used by IG, although I have the real time package. Their FX feed is from GLTrade publishing actual trades, although they don't know which MM the prices are coming from.