

Does anyone know what happened to eoddata.com? It appears to be a totally different site that stock data download. It was ok up to Thursday of last week. Thanks
They keep having technical problems.
I have emailed the support for info today but no response yet.
Doesn't seem very reliable.
Thanks Dick. That seems like a better site than EOD Data.

How's Muttley these days ? I used to go out with Penelope Pitstop but had to give her up after a run in with Peter Perfect.
I logged on to their site but appears to be $ subscription based. I was downloading all quotes for NASDAQ NYSE and OTC from EodData. It didn't appear that I could do this here unless I missed something. Thanks
After I filled out the form and signed in I tried to download NASDAQ quotes and received the following message "You are not authorized to download the market Nasdaq.
Please click here to buy it. " I 'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or this site has changed to subscription based. EODData site still seems DOA this AM.
Bstrange, are you entering the date when attempting download or accepting the default today setting ?
I have tried it both ways with the same result.
EODData.com seems to be back to normal.

Hi all Newbie here

Tried several times today (5th May) to access Eodata from the UK and still won't download - keeps sending me round in circles....

Using Firefox 3.0.10 with IExplorer - neither works....
Any more news?

EODDATA have been re-structering their site in order to get rid of inadvertent 'free' access to LSE data and also to cure a problem with zero fill in some exchanges. Like everything else, if it ain't broke don't touch it. However it was and they have and they have screwed up other bits. The big question is 'why do we have to pay for LSE data when end of day data from other exchanges is free?'
This smacks of attempting to shut out the ordinary 'guy in the street' from participating in the wealth of the nation (said with tongue in cheek')


EODDATA have been re-structering their site in order to get rid of inadvertent 'free' access to LSE data and also to cure a problem with zero fill in some exchanges. Like everything else, if it ain't broke don't touch it. However it was and they have and they have screwed up other bits. The big question is 'why do we have to pay for LSE data when end of day data from other exchanges is free?'
This smacks of attempting to shut out the ordinary 'guy in the street' from participating in the wealth of the nation (said with tongue in cheek')

Ok I agree with you - so off I went to find another source of EOD data - found a piece of excel macro code that will, after I rewrote it, download all LSE EOD stock data to an excel spreadsheet from Yahoo for free in 20 secs - won't capture historical data but seems to be accurate unlike the mess Eoddata has made of their site... See DIYTraders website
Cheers Roinsaad
Been having problems with EODDATA ever since. I was last month building a databsase that I scrapped after their website rework.... and downloaded all data again.

Since then I encountered:
* Missing data. New generated historical data purchased (CME, CBOT) only has cash and continous contracts
* Missing data. Exchanges miss some days. For quite some days FTP Did not generate any LIFFE files.... I had to call them about that.
* Bad data quality. Missing days, symbols changing some point in the middle (LSE: some days symbols have an attached ".L", some days not).

It gets worse with other elements, but at the end they do not make the impression to have their act together regarding data quality.

If they can clean up the data issues SOONISH, I will ugprade to platinum - otherwise I am out and into greener pastures and may reclaim my paid money under "faulty service delivered" from the credit card company.

Anyone else has similar experience?

Yes, I have been tracking the exchanges that are given free (American) and the historic data ( previous month) changes on an almost daily basis, particularly OTCBB. On some downloads data from 20 days ago is different on five downloads taken on consecutive days.
Missing symbols, changed symbols, volumes given are zeros, interspersed characters...
I e-mailed EODDATA about data quality and they asked for proof...duly sent....since then no response.

However, data was especially bad in May when they messed around with their database. It has improved a little in June.

I would be grateful if some T2W member would post another source of data...

Yesss... another data source would be nice. Time is running out and despite reminders support decided to simply not say anything. Data quality is still on "unusable, throw it away" level. Which is sad - they seem to be nice guys.

But then, I am not paying them to be nice, but to deliver quality service, and not data that has to be thrown away.
DataBull is a software package that downloads data from Yahoo. Such data is of questionable quality.