End of day prices


Junior member
Where can one source historical and present end of day prices for major Index futures such as FTSE, DOW, S&P, Dax, Nikkei etc.?
Is there a freebie service available on the Internet or only by subscription to identified service provides?
www.futuresource.com is a good place. They have list of futures you can chart but if you go to custom charts you can search a wide range of futures exchanges. I use it to look at USD/EUR, Eurostoxx 50, and FTSE futures.
For those who asked, Yahoo index data is accurate but you have to make sure you choose the correct symbol. For instance, there are several symbols for the Dow each with its own OHLC.

The correct symbols are:

Dow ^DJI1 http://table.finance.yahoo.com/k?s=^dji1&g=d/

S&P500 ^SPX http://table.finance.yahoo.com/k?s=^spx&g=d

FTSE100 ^FTSE http://table.finance.yahoo.com/k?=^ftse&g=d

DAX ^GDAXI http://table.finance.yahoo.com/k?s=^gdaxi&g=d

CAC ^FCHI http://table.finance.yahoo.com/k?s=^fchi&g=d

Of course, other data providers use different symbols so if using another provider to need to make you have their correct symbol.


Thanks for the information but I am looking for the index futures end of day prices - statistically compiled in a similar fashion if available to those provided by Yahoo for actual.

Just been to www.commodityshop.net. You register for free charts! The 'real time' chart has a minimum 1 day time frame!But the 2minute delayed charts have a choice right down to tick,plus several studies.WARNING -- The 'certificate' window opened asking if I wanted to load 'ActForextool client' certificate expired or not yet valid.I clicked no,but the chart loaded anyway!Better than futuresource imo.So if you know about computers and this doesn't worry you,you might want to look at it.(And perhaps you could come back and tell me if I've got any need to worry!)
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