
As a sideline to my 'normal' daytrading activities, I do use these guys as well.

I was introduced to them by a friend in the US. The subscription costs me 125 euros a month. I would pay double that.

There is a profitable way to use the info that they give each week, but it's not how they tell you to use it. I have one trade on a Monday, and that's it for the week. If you look at their 'history' page, you'll spot it as well.

BTW, I have no connection to the company, but if any of those guys ever come over here, I'll buy them a Sam Mig Well....
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OK so how they tell you to use the info, is not profitable?
So then the signal service is not profitable?
So I guess they must just be lying then.
Thanks for the review.
so is there history true or made up, or exactly what they show Sunday, thanks for any input.
As ftse1001 says, look at the history, see how it applies to your own strategy and use it. If you aren't sure just take the trial at $49. Not a lot really. Don't use it myself though.
Yes the history is true, we show you the good, the bad and "the ugly" :). We do not show you "examples" like some other services, - we show you CONSECUTIVE forecasts history. Hope this helps.
I went through some of your history. I found big discrepencies on the OHLC prices of ES on several weeks that I checked. It appears that you scale the price or G-Line to match with each other. What do you have to say about that.
Not sure what you mean by discrepancy, but here is a shot at your question: Our service predicts the time market turns are anticipated. We also do price projections in two ways, one with the forecaster itself and two, with price projections which are also found in the updates section of the website. We do not scale the charts in the vertical axis but the price data is fit onto the screen. Some people are confused by this but, the only way to properly set up a comparison chart is with the price data on the screen. After all, if the price data was not on the screen then of what value would it be?
I guess my point was that when you fit the price on projection it gives the false impression that the price and projection Highs and Lows match, which is not the case, it could be off by as much as 10 points or more. But anyways, thanks for your reply.
Yeah I found some similar issues.But you following there forecast not the OHLC.
The Gline moves with the price.But thats because its a forecast for the week ahead and they don't know what the prices will be.Its predicting the future.
If the Gline moves way past where it was then chances are its just a losing trade.
Which we all know we have to have.
I guess you could make money with this.Using sensible stops for when its wrong.And possibly taking profit before the times they say to turn, when you have the highest equity target you want.
And the people who sell it don't lie about it sometimes being wrong and taking a loss.
And the people who run it are professional and do know about trading.
However they are just trying to do something a little different I think.
Trading a different way than usual.Will it work?I don't know.
Obviously this week we had a crash.......yada yada yada.....any longs in this were stopped.(Depending on your risk level that is)
Miniforecaster misleading history

For me it was very disappointing to find out the history did not include the forecasted highs and lows.

There was a great advertisement about using the service for weekly highs and lows because of the accuracy of the history archives. Obviously this is miss leading when they are scaling the quotes with out and rhyme or reason except to fit them on the screen with the g-line.

Please tell me how you use the service for weekly direction when the g-line can completly do the opposite as the quotes

I used this product for a trial and I think 1 month after that. It's been a while back but based on my limited experience I will try to relate my opinion the system's pros and cons as best as I remember. It's been well over a year since I used the product.

The owner recommend swing trading with 1-3 trades a week and 15 pt. stops. So if that is your style and you need some hand holding, then I think you could find worse ways to spend $200 or whatever the fees are now. Obviously, you'll have to befunded well enough for draw downs.

For the day trader there's a robot named Gina who makes the calls at areas of expected resistance and support. She does well in range-bound or rotational days, but with their recommended stops she gets killed on trend days. Since the markets are in balance the majority of the time one should make money taking all her calls. If you're under capitalized this is probably not for you unless you have a decent grasp on reading the market generated data that lets you determine early on when Gina's stepping in front of the train.

If anyone is interested they should be able to take the trial and find out if it fits their style. If you can't trust your own opinion then you would probably be better off trading every trade of Gina's that you're doing without her.

One thing I'm sure of is that they are not lying about their figures. So you can add up what you pay per RT + the mo. fee and then subtract that total from their profits then weigh it against what you do on your own.