EDS for non confirmation


Legendary member
priceSlope if slope([close],15,5) <0 and slope([close],2) >0.
P2 if [close]>50.

CCISL if slope([cci],15)>0.
TCIUP if slope([TCI],15)>0.
VELUP if slope([velocity],15)>0.
ACcup if SLOPE([AcmDis],15)>0 .

sel if PriceSlope and ccisl and tciup and velup and accup and p2.

CCI if val([CCI],1)>[CCI].
TCI if val([TCI],1)>[TCI].
SVMA if val([SVMA],1)>[SVMA].
STCH if val([stochastic],1)>[stochastic].
sell if CCI or TCI or SVMA or stch.
Here's the de-ciphering.
CCI is the Commodity Channel Index Indicator
TCI is the Trend Channel Indicator
Velocity is rate of change indicator
AcmDis is Accumulation/Distribution
Close is the closing price of a stock
SVMA is Sales/Volume moving average.
The test tries to find a falling price that has a corresponding rising indicator over a given period.

! Test the slope (averaged over n days) of the price from 20 days ago to 15 days ago is <0 ( going down) AND the slope of the price over the last 2 days is >0 ( rising)
priceSlope if slope([close],15,5) <0 and slope([close],2) >0.

!Filter out stocks of <50p
P2 if [close]>50.

! test the slope of CCI,TCI,Velocity,AcmDis over the last 15 days >0 ( rising)
CCISL if slope([cci],15)>0.
TCIUP if slope([TCI],15)>0.
VELUP if slope([velocity],15)>0.
ACcup if SLOPE([AcmDis],15)>0 .

! select stock if only all the above criteria are met.
sel if PriceSlope and ccisl and tciup and velup and accup and p2.

Sell detector:

!test if today's CCI( and TCI and SVMA and Stochastics)is less than yesterday's CCI ( falling)
CCI if val([CCI],1)>[CCI].
TCI if val([TCI],1)>[TCI].
SVMA if val([SVMA],1)>[SVMA].
STCH if val([stochastic],1)>[stochastic].

! Sell if ANY sell condition is met.
sell if CCI or TCI or SVMA or stch.
Err Troy, IT IS. You asked for an explanation so I gave it in expanded form and detailed what each line does.
Is this not what you wanted?
Hi Martin + thanks

For some strange reason I got a message linking me to the board before your reply had been posted!!