e-Signal Market Centre


Established member

Trying this out at the moment. I must say that I like it after only a couple of hours use, seems very good value for money.

Here are two screen shots, one of the main screen and one of a chart.


Hi Ian,

What you want in the terms of data feed will largely determine the price. But for me who only needs live LSE stocks and charts it's $18 a month. Which I think is a bargain.

You can get a "free" trial with lots of goodies at the moment, all you pay are the exchange fees. That's what I'm currently doing.
How easy or difficult is it to use .does it come with instruction manual as to how to set it up and use .
It's a java application. So no hassle at all. Just log in and go. Seems very intuitive to me. The account set up takes about 5 mins and you can use it straight away. It's also like Mytrack in that you can see your bill/subscriptions at a glance.

There is a BB support group and very good FAQ documentation. Basically the same support as you get with the full e-signal product.

It's more for position trading rather than scalping I'd say but it's a better deal than Mytrack I think.
Have you got their phone number,I dont like giving my card number over the net.I would like to try the their free trial just on the charts for UK LSE index and stocks.
Also is their charting similar to Sharescope real time.
Sorry Fluke I don't. I use my credit card, try mailing them and asking, they are US based and should be still about.

Charting is very comparable I would say apart from the fact that with SS you can have several charts up at once. You don't seem able to with this product unless I haven't found the way to do it yet (which is quite possible).
Hi Fluke,

The sign up process is all online. There are a number of agreements you need to agree to online so it can only be done over the web. We've been doing this for over seven years.

Also, only one chart is allowed at a time. We are trying to keep this product very simple and fast to use.

For more advanced users, eSignal is the solution.

Hope that helps,
Visit us @ http://forum.esignalcentral.com/
I think the product is very much suited to monitoring multiple, longer time frame positions where you need maybe chart backup to decison making, rather than to monitor charts from minute to minute. Will suit swing traders very nicely I think. Plus the historic data is useful for intraday trading too. Day, Weekly and Monthly charts are included.