Dow swing trades

spring chickens dont make money mate - too impulsive

but hey - im only 39!! (for a short time ;-)

dave, stick around cos ill respond to your post tomorrow -

nice kennedy prog on tv now though - conspiracy - dont ya just love it ;-)
"As of monday ill start posting what im playing"

(snippet from thread starter post by soultrader)

I'll look forward to your trades (and I'll try not to be influenced!! :cheesy: )

My my!

Lets get back to the trading talk, for goodness' sake!!!

I propose that this be an end to this thread, and Soultrader start another tomorrow if he so chooses!
He is obviously not forcing anybody to buy his 'system'. It's a matter of choice, maybe some of u guys should start believing in yourselves instead of looking for some Holy Grail!.

Wow!!!-Great post.

Yes plenty of us do want to hear ideas that are new to us.I was stupid enough to pay £2600 to Vince Stanzione but do I beat myself up over it-not one bit!!Just add my views to the melting pot and let others use their own intelligence to make their own decisions.

Index King was slagged off unmercifully once he introduced a charge-sure he went about it the wrong way and he should not have implied earlier that things would remain free for ever.I knew he would get criticised and perhaps he deserved SOME of it but the level of personal abuse shocked even me-much of it revolving around the fact that he had said at one point that he was a toilet cleaner!!Come on guys and girls-lets grow up and see a joke for what it really is-a joke.

If anybody talks about going on a training course they tend to get belittled as somebody who wants an easy life and to get rich quick but from a personal level it isn't like that at all.To train for my present job,when I decided that I wanted to get out of the rat race that I felt stuck in took me over 4 years and cost at a conservative estimate £35000 in lost money that I could have earned whilst studying so get rich quick ain't my style.

My next port of call in my training will be TBS,Naz and Mr Charts(for less than I paid to Stanzione I guess) but I don't expect any of those to turn me into a trader instantly.I know that that will only be achieved by my own dedication,study,and willingness to apply myself to what the tutors tell me.So please let's keep a sense of reality towards those like me who realise that we have a long way to go with our trading but are prepared to enlist the help of others and to pay them for their time.And no I don't expect the above mentioned tutors to show me their trading accounts-the ridiculous level we got to when Naz and Mr Charts were offering their course a few weeks back.Quite frankly I'm surprised that they didn't up sticks and go home-surely we don't want people of this calibre lost to the board.Let face it'Stanzione gives plenty of "evidence" as to how much he makes-fat lot of good that is eh?

Soultrader-keep the faith.Some of us still want to hear what you have to say and make our own minds up.Worse things happen in life-closure of the Wigan Casino for one!!
heyyyyy, man after my own heart - i was there on the last night as well!!

Im sorry matey but this morning i posted something that wouldve been great - someone like you wouldve loved it - but they pulled the post - i cant even tell you what it was about as theyll pull this message (they might anyway) - so im off to greener grass to do it on my own

You know, ive worked for some of the major international companies in the role of a consultant - Rolls-Royce for one in Derby and ive never come across so many negative minds in whats supposed to be a professional business as i have here.

Ive coached the top people in business to open their eyes - sometimes youre so far into the woods that you cannot see whats right in front of your face - that's the sort of thing i used to do with them - to me many problems had blindingly obvious solutions - but when youre in there working in the thick of it you cant always see them.

Dont get me wrong, ive met turds before with no more than 2 brain cells to rub together, but in this wonderful game of trading i did expect a little more business mindedness and an open view for new ideas and experiences - sadly ive found it to be in short supply on this forum with the odd one or two that like to challenge themselves to think out of the box

still, i suppose that's par for the course - only 2% of people have what it takes to make it properley in any business field - and only 5% of the 2% to make it significantly.

Heres toasing those of you smart enough to get in that top 2%

keep smiling and good judgement to ya ;-)
Davelong & Wanderer

You've said what many newbies and perhaps, not so newbies maybe thinking, but dare not rock the boat.

I was wondering just how many of these, so called, experienced, full time traders actually do trade and/or make money. If they are still trading, how come they have so much free time to read every post and make comments on just about every subject posted? Why is it that some of those 'carping' never give us newbies the system 'they' now use? Maybe they don't have anything to give! Maybe they are just frustrated, failed, traders in reality. If they are highly successful, why do they bother to read this BB anyway?

Thanks to Chartman and others for sharing your systems with us, it's a great help. Isn't that what this-BB is all about - sharing ideas? I'm beginning to think that with all the negs flying around, I'll just stick to the trusted, useful threads. I don't want to be tinged with the negative vibes anymore.
DaveLong. ( and others).Your comments are welcome, as is your opinion. Our objection is principally that someone who has something to sell as their primary motive for being here, should not be allowed a free lunch. Normally, when someome wants to sell something, they have to pay for things like advertising campaignsetc. Why should T2W provide a free marketing opportunity to someone ? I agree, we are not here to sensor any information that benefits the members but where we think information is being put over that we think is "unsuitable", we should be allowed to sensor/edit/delete that information.
I thought the idea behind this BB was to impart information and ideas freely and without a hidden agenda. Some clearly have different ideas. If, on the otherhand, you want to see this BB become a free for all for anyone that has a "system" and wants you to part with money for it, let us know.
A quick rant

soultrader said:
ive never come across so many negative minds in whats supposed to be a professional business as i have here....

...Dont get me wrong, ive met turds before with no more than 2 brain cells to rub together, but in this wonderful game of trading i did expect a little more business mindedness and an open view for new ideas and experiences - sadly ive found it to be in short supply on this forum with the odd one or two that like to challenge themselves to think out of the box

People who are selfish and negative have these traits magnified and become arrogant narrow minded little people

Conversely the opposite is true imo and these people get ripped to shreds trying to share their own experiences.

There is a wealth of knowledge on these and other BB's and most folks get shot down for the way that they present their information by narrow minding individuals who cant read between the lines.

I posted a crude MA system for forex some folks liked it and said so some didnt and had the forethought to appreciate we all have different opinions and styles. while a couple of pr1cks sent abusive emails.

To all those idiots (you know who you are) get a life and seek counselling


I agree, I personally found your forex strategy thread a good model of how ideas on a method should be exchanged in a positive manner, and indeed made me look closer at forex trading.
".. If, on the otherhand, you want to see this BB become a free for all for anyone that has a "system" and wants you to part with money for it, let us know."

I don't care who posts or what they post. Takes all sorts to make a world.
Perhaps some should carry on their personal arguments using private messages, so we don't all have to plod through it, but I don't really mind.
There is plenty of claptrap already, with or without the hawkers.
The Ignore button is all that's needed.