After digging a little deeper I found this which indicates it is a scam:

skeltoac Marl the Stock Robot: Scam?

So many fools. Jeees. There is no Marl!!! Period. Check some of those
Stocks listed on with and you will see
There is few of them and they been spamwised before, what that means?
Those dudes subscribe as many people as possible, then they can contact
stock owner or stock owner contact them and offering to PUMP stock so
they can unload their shares.

Lets say volume of the stock rise and those
from getting paid 5-7% of total volume regardless
if stock goes up or down, plus they already take $47 from each of you, - clowns :) )
It’s easy when you have 1000-2000 subscribers to move little stocks
you load before you release info to subscribers, they load tomorrow and
you unload while they load :) ) That’s sounds like MARL? Actually if they have like 10 000 subscribes that amount of people can move up any
small stock, so if you can get out as quickly as possible there is tiny
possibility that you could make some $$$ too.