dgbwebdesign.com - any experience?


Junior member
I've been following this chap's videos on youtube (Traderteacher's Channel - YouTube) and I have to say I am very intrigued.

It seems to be some kind of bias change strategy around major turning points with a bit of understanding around how the big players fake the market - 'gather liquidity' - as he calls it (in some instances perhaps indicated by a series of inverted hammer candles signalling market movers gathering orders with the intent to move the market in the opposite direction).

Anyone any experience?

Also interested to learn a bit more about 'Order-flow' - anyone know of any decent resources?


darryl bywater of dgbwebdesign is one of the biggest forex con artists out there. see reviews here: Dgb Web Design | DgbWebDesign.com reviews and ratings by Forex Peace Army

stay well clear of this con man, he is a scam you have been warned, he will fleece you for every penny. the videos he makes are fakes, very clever marketing tools.

I had suspected it may have been that he was recording loads of trades live and only publishing the winning ones. He does come across a bit of a toad...

Thanks for sharing your experiences, sorry to hear you got burnt.