Deskspace for traders in Brixton/SW/SE London


Active member
Hey there,
have a desk in a co-working space in Brixton and am losing my mind as there is no-one to talk to about trading-might as well be at home!
Had a trader work next to me for a year in my previous office in Brixton-was great to have someone there, share ideas (although i have my own system) and talk general trading/finance stuff (because believe me, no-one else wants to). We're still good mates, he left the office as he was only doing it part time and the fees went up which made it no longer worthwhile for him.

So if anyone is looking to make the leap and no longer work from home then PM me and we'll go from there.


p.s. I trade bund and eurostoxx 50 futures. Top tip-learn about volume profile. Trade the edge of the bell curve.
I prefer volume over time. They're both pretty similar so wouldn't worry about it. Futures=paid for platforms and data feeds, sierra charts/ninjatrader etc