Deleting TWS Logfiles Boosts Performance?


Experienced member
I've been told that deleting the logfiles in ibjts and jts subdirectories can improve performance.Is this correct?They are text files apparently log.tue etc.Is this a good idea,safe and how exactly do you do it if it is?
I think it's probably a poor idea. They are there for a reason. Amongst other things, to help diagnose a problem should one occur. Have a look at the size of the log files. If no more than a few MByte, best to leave them alone.
My 3 are 250-500k in size and I think thats ok.

I think you need to get that extra memory jonnyy ... everything in trading seems memory hungry and 512k seems a good minimum for performance thats not constrained by memory. 1M if you want to be free and clear.