
Thought this might be iffy... Spoke to a Peter Wade this morning also from Southern Cross M&A, south carolina, he seemed to know a lot about what went on but seemed to have far too much time to talk about things almost 25 mins...I tried to squeeze out as much info as possible.
If your company have gone into liquidation you would expect some form of written proof!?
You would think they could afford to send over the documents if it was that important and legit rather than emails!? 2.6% commision and 6.75$ a share sounds a little too good to be true.
If someone goes along with this without losing money let us know!
Have had a few missed calls on my phone but the numbers have come up private so cant say if they have tried to contact me.
anyone have a contact name and number I would be interested in making a call to these rogues just to see what info I can gleem.

no good news

hope this helps:
extract from sec email received in response to SouthernCross mergers and Aquisitions offer to buy remington Ventures shares at inflated price
This is a scam, beware Remington Ventures shareholders!
Review of pertinent databases indicates that no such entity as Southern Cross Mergers and Acquisitions is registered with the SEC. Please note that any time you undertake to give money to a "purported investment firm," you should make a determination about its regulatory status. Brokerage firms have to be registered with the securities regulatory authorities to do business in the United States. This is the same requirement for most other countries if the firm wishes to do business in that particular country.

Despite the alleged Columbia, South Carolina address (among others) for Southern Cross Mergers and Acquisitions and the alleged Atlanta, Georgia address for the so-called International Registry Commission (IRC), it is unlikely these entities are located in the USA. Given modern telecommunications technology, telephone call forwarding to offshore listings poses no obstacle to fraudsters. In this connection, please see our online publication, "Fake Seals and Phony Numbers: How Fraudsters Try to Look Legit" [].

No such entity as the so-called International Registry Commission (IRC) exists, except as the vaporous and virtual imagining of some fraudsters' offshore boiler-room scheme. What is more, no US government agency has a website or e-mail address, so far as I am aware, that ends in anything other than '.gov'. The phony website created by the so-called IRC ( purports to be related to the U.S. Government, although it nowhere appears to say so explicitly. In the online publication I noted just above, we state: "Another trick involves the misuse of a regulator's seal. The fraudsters copy the official seal or logo from the regulator's website - or create a bogus seal for a fictitious entity - and then use that seal on documents or web pages to make the deal look legitimate. You should be aware that the SEC - like other state and federal regulators in the U.S. and around the world - does not allow private entities to use its seal. Moreover, the SEC does not 'approve' or 'endorse' any particular securities, issuers, products, services, professional credentials, firms, or individuals." Indeed, I can tell you categorically that neither the USSEC nor the IRS nor any US Government agency, for that matter, has anything whatsoever to do with individual investors' securities transactions.

Southern Cross Mergers and Acquisitions and the so-called International Registry Commission (IRC) are but flip sides of the same counterfeit coin.

What the solicitation you received may be leading up to is a classic type of reload scam/fraud, against which we especially warn investors to be on guard (see our online publication, "Worthless Stock: How to Avoid Doubling Your Losses" []). The types of transactions described by you are not part of normal sales practices in the stockbrokerage business. Rather, they are most likely variations upon an advance fee fraud (see: As always, check with securities regulators about any investment offering made to you to see if it is legitimate.

It may very well be that the same or connected fraudsters have exchanged your name and investment information and in fact are attempting to make a new run at you. It is possible that the new entity soliciting you (Southern Cross Mergers and Acquisitions) somehow is also connected to, or a successor entity to, your original brokers for your previous purchases (PerpetualSuisse?).
I assume that people have heard about this company (Datacept) that 'Southern Cross' are trying to buy they are scamming you. It is called - Advanced Fee Fraud - It only costs $100 to have a legend removed. I have been in touch with the real US Authourities (SEC). If you have any information on this company the US Authourities (SEC) would like it. I have already supplied them with their contact details page and their Phoney website and also a so-called share certificate. I found the US Authourities (SEC) very helpful. good luck.
Hi all fellow Edward Tate victims. Just to back up Davideva's latest post - after filling in an online complaint form I too received a very similar reply from the US SEC regarding ET; Southern Cross and Datacept. I also 'phoned them, on the advice of our FSA, and also found them very helpful. I wonder why SC are only offering CHa31 (above) 6.75$ per share? Tell them you want the same as they offered me CHa31 which was 13.5$. Another piece of information which some may find interesting is that the initial approach I had from SC was from a David Ebinburgh who told me I had shares in Quest Oil. When I denied this he said his company was acting as "mergers and acquisitions" experts for several companies who were about to be bought out and he was sure I was on the list of shareholders to be contacted - did I have any shares in Remington Ventures, Pacific Vision Group, Genethera Inc, or General Components? (I may not have written all these down 100% correctly on the 'phone). I said "no, the only US share I hold is Datcept". "Oh, I think that's on the list too" came the reply and after getting a bit more info re my Datcept shares he said they would be in touch again. About a week later I got the first of many daily calls from John Stephens who insisted till the end that I had 2,500 more shares than my share certificate (post split) indicates - probably to get a bigger "legend removal fee" from me. I seem to remember that Edward Tate tried to flog me Quest Oil shares after Datacept and I assume that it was ET who sold Remington to Davideva?? So Sc are reworking ET's list of mugs - me included!!!
Just to finish - if you really want to contact SC Lyng1 you can e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] or ring them on 001 803 7469976. Good Luck.
If dealing with emails or websites that you are suspicious of try the internet frog to determine the true location of the sender, company etc. For instance I was contacted by a company claiming to be based in Montreal when in fact they were in San Jose, Costa Rica. The name of the comapny in question was Kent.
I've been feeding the line for southernCrossMA for th elast few days. Was offered $9.73 for my Datacept shares with a 0.93 charge for lifting the restrictions up front, which because I'm a non-US citizen, will be refunded. Have been speaking to a John Mulray, who has an extremely Scottish accent and apparently works from his South Carolina office at 3.00am, although I did suggest that it was only 5.00am ET when he called me at 10.00am BST. After a prolonged conversation he kindly arranged for his Compliance office to speak to me, although they were extremely busy - they called within 5 mins. The guy at the other end had an Afro-Caribean accent and was far from convincing in what he was asking me. I have a special bank account set up for the huge amount of funds that they are going to send me, although he was only interested in where my funds to pay the transfer fee were coming from. Apparently I didn't convince him that I would follow through with payment.

Last call from John Mulray said he would speak to his director and get back in touch tomorrow.

As a matter of interest have others had the SouthernCross "Scotsman"

I'll keep you posted.
I have had Robert Smith from SC on the phone again - he is the Senior Vice President of Accounts, according to his e-mail.

Interestingly, the number showed on my mobile this time +58 89999904 and +58 seems to be the dialling code for Venezuela!

Now I have contracts to be signed and fees to be paid and then I will get my settlement! Or not!

I am just composing a suitably descriptive response...
Yes I also got the same message. I was then emailed with a form requesting my shre certificate number, whihc I have sent throught, again more to find out what the offer price is going to be than any other reason.
I also got called on the number that ashby is talking about. The restriction lifting fee is just the next part of the scam. According to the contract that i got emailed my investment will be bought for 750% more than I paid. I asked the southern cross contact (Peter Wade) repeatedly how a company, that is in financial difficulties and about to liquidate and has never made any money, could be worth so much more. He tried to tell me some vague rubbish about the assets of the company still having value. Clearly a load of rubbish.

This is just the next part of the scam. Get people who are desperate to get back some of their lost money and offer them a miracle way out. Oh and there's a small fee to pay up front! Anyone reading this thread who gives money to southern cross or any other cold calling/boiler room scam needs to have their head checked.
I have also been chased by Robert Smith with the same sales pitch. $6.50 per share, £1 per share to remove the legend of the restricted shares to be sent to a "US Government appointed transfer agent", which happens to be offshore, Costa Rica as far as I can work out. Although most of the calls don't show a number in a couple of occasions the +58 Venezuelan number has come up and today a UK mobile number appeared when Robert Smith called: 07877012872. Obviously no asnwer when I called it back. Their compliance department (Lawrence Brooks) has also been in touch, quite pushy,trying to get me to send the money to their nominated offshore account. Robert Smith has even sent me an Advance Payment Guarantee form that shows they commit to pay. Guess where does this form come from? The International Registry Office! I have been stringing them along but I am running out of delaying tactics. Needless to say I have been in touch with the SEC several times and their response is "do not get involved", as mentoned in previous postings.
Has anybody been in touch with Datacept regarding this supposed merger and acquisition?
Good luck.
taymat said:
I have also been chased by Robert Smith with the same sales pitch. $6.50 per share, £1 per share to remove the legend of the restricted shares to be sent to a "US Government appointed transfer agent", which happens to be offshore, Costa Rica as far as I can work out. Although most of the calls don't show a number in a couple of occasions the +58 Venezuelan number has come up and today a UK mobile number appeared when Robert Smith called: 07877012872. Obviously no asnwer when I called it back. Their compliance department (Lawrence Brooks) has also been in touch, quite pushy,trying to get me to send the money to their nominated offshore account. Robert Smith has even sent me an Advance Payment Guarantee form that shows they commit to pay. Guess where does this form come from? The International Registry Office! I have been stringing them along but I am running out of delaying tactics. Needless to say I have been in touch with the SEC several times and their response is "do not get involved", as mentoned in previous postings.
Has anybody been in touch with Datacept regarding this supposed merger and acquisition?
Good luck.

i spoke to Datacept investr relations who advised me that this is unlikely to be a legitimate offer, that i should never put cash up front and that Datacept have never heard of Southern cros m&a.
I called Datacept this evening and Paul Faso answered the phone to my surprise. He has heard about SC and said that this is not a legitimate operation. His words: call Interpol.
Also had little chat regarding prospects for Datacept.He is very interested in getting it to float. No timescale, though. Bottomline: hold on to the shares. What choice have we got anyway? I have pretty much written them off. If one day we get something, that will be a nice bonus.
I wrote to Mr Faso yesterday, out of frustration more than anything.

Let him have it on SouthernCross and looking for some indication of when he's actually going to do something, in terms of at least a letter to back up his first and only Annual Report. Although he has submitted reports to, Florida's state reporting authority.

Is he not required to issue Annual reports to shareholders?

I got another couple of queries - Under Rule 144, restrictions are automatically lifted after 2 years. Did the split last year kick off a new period or does the 2 years still hold true from the initial purchase?

Also how many of are there in the UK who hold shares and is there anything we can do collectively?
I've just come off the phoine from Paul Leo Faso. He got my letter and called me, so I have to give him that. He outlined the current situation and is anticipating a press release next month, but had a long term view on the company going public.

He confirmed that the restrictions can be lifted after the year is out, so that answers that one.

I actually believe him in what he's saying, nothing else for it other than keep the faith and watch this space.
DLAngus said:
I've just come off the phoine from Paul Leo Faso. He got my letter and called me, so I have to give him that. He outlined the current situation and is anticipating a press release next month, but had a long term view on the company going public.

He confirmed that the restrictions can be lifted after the year is out, so that answers that one.

I actually believe him in what he's saying, nothing else for it other than keep the faith and watch this space.

Great to hear you have spoken to the PLF, but did you ask him what leading edge patents Datacept has and what exactly the company does? If so please enlighten us, because the over- animated web-site tells you absolutely nothing.

Regards BP
Southern Cross M & A

They have not called me on my landline, but left two messages on my mobile. According to Robert Smith they are working for a company that is looking to acquire Datacept and Osprey Gold and then these two companies will be liquidated and he implied that if I did not take up this offer I could be left with nothing.
This as well as other posts on this board says to me that this is the follow up scam. No merger or acquisition can take away your rights as a shareholder and secondly quite what the fit is between Osprey Gold and Datacept for a potential acquisitor I cannot see.

After the ET scam I am on my guard against any of these calls and with hindsite one can now see the holes in their presentation. I am planning to write in detail to Paul Leo Faso soon.


ATSSpecialists Inc/Datacept/Oxbridge

And of course ATS Specialists Inc based in Miama are also "under query" their shares sold by the curious Oxbridge International. Looks like a partnership of rattlesnakes.

Bigprofit said:

Datacept are to enter a joint venture with ATS Specialists INC. Their website looks more impressive, or is this all part of the con. Look at However I can find no other details of this company, other than their website.

