Data Problems


Junior member
I have just started to subscribe to SierraCharts and the MyTrack feed (currently delayed until I have opened up an account with MyBroker).

The feed seems to keep freezing up (twice this morning so far). Does anyone experience the same problem with the RT feed, if so I will have to look for another supplier.

Also when charting securities (e.g. PRU-L), particularily on an intraday basis (using candlesticks), I am seeing a lot poor data. This appears to be becuase the chart program uses the last traded price to plot its graphs, so if the reporting of the transaction is delayed and the price subsequently moves higher / lower, then I am buggered! It make technical analysis that much more difficult.

I know you can delete / amend this type of data , but I don't wont to waste my time constantly doing that.

So the question is, is there any way of plotting the mid price rather then the last traded price?

Thanks in advance
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