Charts not reloading.....


Experienced member
My Sierracharts haven't reloaded/updated today..........

Anyone else having the same problem using a MyTrack data feed.......?!

Edit - it seems to be non-US charts that are the problem FX/FTSE/Dax etc...

US futs ok....... :confused:
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I fixed the problem by deleting the end of the files in certain charts - I've had the problem occasionally on Mondays before....

data gets corrupted over the weekend.....?

pass...... :confused:
thats interesting trade smart , i do have issues with lack of data over weekend , but euro was loading so do feel was at thier end, well i guess corrupted data if thats what it was is thier fault anyways !!started to work without any effort on my part around half 8 nine ish?