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Darwinex monitoring

We have currently
- 634 (622) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 366 (353) Darwins with more than 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 92 (90) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 12 (12) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 443 (432) Darwins with 1k or more AuM (including ILR ;))
- 199 (202) Darwins with 10k or more AuM
- 50 (50) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 216 (210) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity .
Data of last statistic of April 1st are in brackets.

Max Investors (SYO) : 546
Active Darwins : 3185
Darwins in Latest : 39
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 49
Darwins managing > 500k : 13
We have currently
- 636 (634) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 373 (366) Darwins with more than 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 94 (92) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 12 (12) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 448 (443) Darwins with 1k or more AuM (including ILR ;))
- 209 (199) Darwins with 10k or more AuM
- 49 (50) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 227 (216) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity .
Data of last statistic of April 1st are in brackets.
Most numbers show small growth since last statistic.
small growth since last statistic.
If you compare to your first report at the beginning of February the growth is lower than 10%.
Darwins with 1 investors were 660 so that is decreasing.
On average it is still stagnation, these changes are background noise.
If you compare to your first report at the beginning of February the growth is lower than 10%.
Darwins with 1 investors were 660 so that is decreasing.
On average it is still stagnation, these changes are background noise.
A lot of Darwins including my ILR didn't show performance in the last two months. And 10% growth per quarter would be a dream for Darwinex. :)

Max Investors (SYO) : 539
Active Darwins : 3181
Darwins in Latest : 34
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 43
Darwins managing > 500k : 13

Max Investors (SYO) : 536
Active Darwins : 3194
Darwins in Latest : 31
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 40
Darwins managing > 500k : 12
We have currently
- 627 (636) Darwins with at least 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 368 (373) Darwins with more than 1 investor
- 95 (94) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 12 (12) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 448 (448) Darwins with 1k or more AuM (including ILR ;))
- 206 (209) Darwins with 10k or more AuM
- 49 (49) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 223 (227) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity .
Data of last statistic of May 4th are in brackets.
Last edited:

Max Investors (SYO) : 537
Active Darwins : 3184
Darwins in Latest : 30
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 46
Darwins managing > 500k : 13
We have currently
- 631 (627) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 376 (368) Darwins with more than 1 investor
- 92 (95) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 11 (12) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 449 (448) Darwins with 1k or more AuM
- 209 (206) Darwins with 10k or more AuM
- 52 (49) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 228 (223) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity
New statistics:
- 2906 (-) funded Darwins (trader's equity >= 0.0001)
- 1347 (-) Darwins making money in the last month period (1 month return >= 0.0001%)
- 1415 (-) Darwins losing money in the last month period (1 month return <= -0.0001%)
- 414 (-) Darwins with unchanged performance in the last month period (usually not trading last month).
Data of last statistic of May 12th are in brackets.

I was really surprised that nearly 49% of all trading Darwins made profit in the last month period.

Max Investors (SYO) : 537
Active Darwins : 3192
Darwins in Latest : 21
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 45
Darwins managing > 500k : 13
Besides SYO lost 0.56 % last week, the number of investors stayed stable.

Max Investors (SYO) : 540
Active Darwins : 3189
Darwins in Latest : 38
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 46
Darwins managing > 500k : 14
GFA made a trade in SPX last week with about 9.5 pips profit:


How many lots of SPX CFDs did it trade with a VaR of 0.75 % and more than 10 million investor money?
We have currently
- 634 (631) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 380 (376) Darwins with more than 1 investor
- 91 (92) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 10 (11) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 453 (449) Darwins with 1k or more AuM
- 211 (209) Darwins with 10k or more AuM
- 49 (52) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 226 (228) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity
- 2816 (2906) funded Darwins (trader's equity >= 0.0001)
- 1378 (1347) Darwins making money in the last month period (1 month return >= 0.0001%)
- 1346 (1415) Darwins losing money in the last month period (1 month return <= -0.0001%)
- 469 (414) Darwins with unchanged performance in the last month period (usually not trading last month).
Data of last statistic of May 29th are in brackets.

90 Darwins more cannot operate anymore because of missing funds.
Looks like also inactivity is growing.