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Darwinex monitoring


Max Investors (THA) : 610
Active Darwins : 3045
Darwins in Latest : 38
Darwins in UnderTheRadar :39
Darwins managing > 500k : 15

Max Investors (THA) : 602
Active Darwins : 3072
Darwins in Latest : 44
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 42
Darwins managing > 500k : 14
You have currently
- 643 (663) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 358 (357) Darwins with more than 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 96 (-) with more than 10 investors
- 13 (-) with more than 100 investors
- 422 (430) Darwins with more than 1k AuM
- 204 (200) Darwins with more than 10k AuM (including ILR ;))
- 50 (49) Darwins with more than 100k AuM
- 200 (-) with trader's equity > 10k.
Data of last statistic of February 4th are in brackets. It looks like stagnation to me.
February update for Darwinex pool of 'serious/persistent' traders:
I have one filter to show me breadth of Darwinex pool of 'serious/persistent' traders that have success trading last 2 years.
Criteria: -1095 days (3 years) actual trading at Darwinex
- at least 10% Return last 2 years
-at least 0% Return last 12 months
Although there are darwins inside that had long inactivity during that period or have total Return in red because of initial losses,it gives some measure of how many serious traders are present. It is obvious reason why there are no Institutional investors active on this platform yet.
January 2021: 70 darwins

Only 3 are well invested.

65 darwins / 4 are well invested

But:some traders have several darwins in this pool and 11 darwins have 6 or more months of inactivity during last 2 years and basically don't belong in this pool of solid traders.

Max Investors (SYO) : 585
Active Darwins : 3061
Darwins in Latest : 32
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 37
Darwins managing > 500k : 12

Max Investors (SYO) : 588
Active Darwins : 3066
Darwins in Latest : 43
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 40
Darwins managing > 500k : 12
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We have currently
- 626 (643) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 352 (358) Darwins with more than 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 98 (96) with more than 10 investors
- 13 (13) with more than 100 investors
- 424 (422) Darwins with more than 1k AuM
- 205 (204) Darwins with more than 10k AuM (including ILR ;))
- 49 (50) Darwins with more than 100k AuM
- 202 (200) with trader's equity > 10k.
Data of last statistic of February 24th are in brackets.

I see a significantly decreasing number of small invested Darwins in the data about two weeks ago since February 24th.
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I think the most interesting is the n of darwins above 10k .
This number (~200) can be compared with the 200-300 darwins allocated by Darwinia.
Everything below is noise.
We have currently
- 622 (626) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 353 (352) Darwins with more than 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 98 (98) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 12 (13) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 427 (424) Darwins with 1k or more AuM
- 206 (205) Darwins with 10k or more AuM (including ILR ;))
- 49 (49) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 217 (202) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity .
Data of last statistic of March 10th are in brackets.
We see a significant growth of about 7.4 % in the number of traders with at least 10k equity during the last 3 days, while the number of Darwins with one investor (often the trader himself or relatives and friends) continues to fall.
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Max Investors (SYO) : 585
Active Darwins : 3085
Darwins in Latest : 39*
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 40
Darwins managing > 500k : 13

* the number of new darwins seems very unstable during the last 2 weeks, the number is odd but consistent with the increased number of total active darwins.
(number corrected Friday 19/3)
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Max Investors (SYO) : 571
Active Darwins : 3102
Darwins in Latest : 38
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 40
Darwins managing > 500k : 12
We have currently
- 629 (622) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 352 (353) Darwins with more than 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 95 (98) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 12 (12) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 433 (427) Darwins with 1k or more AuM (including ILR ;))
- 202 (206) Darwins with 10k or more AuM
- 52 (49) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 204 (217) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity .
Data of last statistic of March 13th are in brackets.

Max Investors (SYO) : 556
Active Darwins : 3112
Darwins in Latest : 32
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 41
Darwins managing > 500k : 12
We have currently
- 622 (629) Darwins with at least 1 investor
- 353 (352) Darwins with more than 1 investor (including ILR ;))
- 90 (95) Darwins with 10 or more investors
- 12 (12) Darwins with 100 or more investors
- 432 (433) Darwins with 1k or more AuM (including ILR ;))
- 202 (202) Darwins with 10k or more AuM
- 50 (52) Darwins with 100k or more AuM
- 210 (204) Darwins with at least 10k trader's equity .
Data of last statistic of March 24th are in brackets.
March update for Darwinex pool of 'serious/persistent' traders:
I have one filter to show me breadth of Darwinex pool of 'serious/persistent' traders that have success trading last 2 years.
Criteria: -1095 days (3 years) actual trading at Darwinex
- at least 10% Return last 2 years
-at least 0% Return last 12 months
Although there are darwins inside that had long inactivity during that period or have total Return in red because of initial losses,it gives some measure of how many serious traders are present. It is obvious reason why there are no Institutional investors active on this platform yet.
January 2021: 70 darwins

Only 3 are well invested.

66 darwins (2,1% of all ranked darwins) / 3 are well invested

Max Investors (SYO) : 554
Active Darwins : 3116
Darwins in Latest : 35
Darwins in UnderTheRadar : 40
Darwins managing > 500k : 14