Custom open/close times on charts


Junior member
Just wondering if this is would be possible without having to do a lot of programming myself. For example having an hourly bar close every minute, so you effectively have 60 hourly charts. Something that might be even better would be a moveable price overlay on a 1 minute chart, but I suspect that's more difficult and therefore even less likely.

To calculate the hourly bar each minute you need to save the one minute data and re-compute the one hour bar each minute. You can do this by saving the one minute values in a wrap around buffer. To show a chart for a 24 hour period you would need a buffer of size 1440. Values for time t would be stored at position t%1440 into the buffer. You can then select the appropriate sets of 60 one minute values to calculate the one hour bars.

Would traders find this useful?

I don't understand the second part of the question.
I would definitely find it useful. I know some people would simply just say watch the 1 minute instead but its hard to do things that way without either doing all those calculations in your head which would be tedious and unworkable or, changing your whole strategy so you can examine things on a different scale than you're used to.

Even a daily bar close every hour would be great, I'l post an example of how I think the other part would work in my head later, but it would be much more difficult to implement and I would be more than happy with just the first one.

EDIT: Here's what I mean

Then you could move the vertical lines and as you did the super imposed candlesticks would change as well.
obviously it looks terrible in paint and ideally it would be transparent and centred etc. Just making the picture to clarify I'm really just curious about the first one because its much more likely to be readily available.
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