cTrader platform - Scalping allowed


Veteren member
I have been looking at the cTrader Spotware platform as it recently have been made possible to trade indices on the platform. According to IC Markets scalping is allowed as there is no restriction on trading, this comes with extremly fast execution and ultra low latency at their servers in LD5 IBX Equinix Data Centre in London.

Yes I have been testing cTrader and the CFDs indices for a couple of days. I have been waiting for Spotware to introduce the possibility of trading CFDs on the cTrader platform and now they are finally here. I like the performence of the platform a lot from previous years trading the Forex. Hopefully a few other brokers will be take it up offering CFDs (stocks and Futures are around the corner so I have read). The only one I have found at the moment offering CFDs indices on the cTrader platform is IC Markets.

I think the possebility for manipulation is a lot slimmer on this platform, as it combines ECN and CFDs in one and the same platform. I wonder if a "Virtual Dealer plugin" is at all possible on the cTrader platform as for example it is on the MT4 platform, I don't know, but I guess it will be a much harder task to implement. The biggest surprice for me with this platform, besides exellent technical performence, is that you can actually trade inside the spread on the CFDs indices.
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The cTrader platform is run and owned by Spotware at their servers in LD5 IBX Equinix Data Centre in London. The platform technology is licensed by the broker, but the broker have no access to the actual internal structure, performance and execution of the platform, thus making it impossible to manipulate by the broker. The liquidity of the CFDs instruments is provided by Gain Capital through a deal with Spotware. If someone knows more about how Spotware cTrader interacts with the broker please feel free to comment.

The broker can of course make trouble for the trader when it comes to withdrawal, and they might certainly have views on profit based on trading style, but as I see it, a much harder case for the broker using the cTrader platform.
Can anyone located in London please give me the server latency? You will find it at the bottom right hand corner in cTrader, by clicking on the latency you will find where the server is located.
I just started to look at it, looks good, we see....

IC is rubbish.....10 pips slippage under normal market condition, not worth it, the service is even worst, they have not got any idea...I run away from them..
IC is rubbish.....10 pips slippage under normal market condition, not worth it, the service is even worst, they have not got any idea...I run away from them..
OK, based on what kind of trade? Please give more details besides the slippage, have you open a live account with them?
OK, based on what kind of trade? Please give more details besides the slippage, have you open a live account with them?

yes traded with them for a week, they are non sense......commission is cheap but the frustration is expensive, a scalper needs a good broker otherwise is impossible.....no more to add...
yes traded with them for a week, they are non sense......commission is cheap but the frustration is expensive, a scalper needs a good broker otherwise is impossible.....no more to add...
OK, I have not yet open a live account with them, but I guess I have to find out myself how they are performing.
Thanks, which platform are we talking about?

I am using the MT4, the Ctrader is more expensive for me because I only trade the EU
the MT4 is A$ 7 per lot with rebate it will cost me around 6, with the Ctrader the cost is euro 7.

I know Ctrader is better but I do not need it the way I trade.
I am using the MT4, the Ctrader is more expensive for me because I only trade the EU
the MT4 is A$ 7 per lot with rebate it will cost me around 6, with the Ctrader the cost is euro 7.

I know Ctrader is better but I do not need it the way I trade.
Thanks, I do not trade Forex very often, more interested in CFDs on the cTrader platform.
IC is rubbish.....10 pips slippage under normal market condition, not worth it, the service is even worst, they have not got any idea...I run away from them..
I have been wondering about you problem with slippage trading with IC Markets and the cTrader platform. My doubt is, while I am not questioning your personal experience on slippage, is it possible for an individuell broker to set a virtuell slippage on the cTrader platform?
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slippage dose not depend not on the platform they use but on their liquidity provider, if under normal market condition there is slippage of 10 pips, to me seems that their liquidity provider sucks, we pay the broker commission to supply us liquidity, so a good broker recognises that they where unable to supply liquidity as agreed and will come to un agreement with the retailer and maybe split the missed profit, this of course under normal market condition.

A bad broker will just tell you that you have been filed at the next price which is true but I will withdraw my money because they have failed in supply me what we agree upon, a good broker has good liquidity provider in the first instance and secondly they will recognise when they are wrong (very important) and will take their responsibility.

And I am no sure if a broker can set up what you asked me.
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slippage dose not depend not on the platform they use but on their liquidity provider, if under normal market condition there is slippage of 10 pips, to me seems that their liquidity provider sucks, we pay the broker commission to supply us liquidity, so a good broker recognises that they where unable to supply liquidity as agreed and will come to un agreement with the retailer and maybe split the missed profit, this of course under normal market condition.

A bad broker will just tell you that you have been filed at the next price which is true but I will withdraw my money because they have failed in supply me what we agree upon, a good broker has good liquidity provider in the first instance and secondly they will recognise when they are wrong (very important) and will take their responsibility.
Yes agreed, liquidity is another issue altogether, it is quite easy to observe the liquidity in the order depth of the instrument one is trading. I don't know about splitting the profit between the liquidity provider and the retail broker, seems a little bit far fetch to me, but I actually can't tell, as I don't know much about the details in the Forex industry as a whole. What we know is, that it has been a lot of rigging about prices between banks in the past, and it was amazing to observe how easily and cheap they could get away with it.
Yes agreed, liquidity is another issue altogether, it is quite easy to observe the liquidity in the order depth of the instrument one is trading. I don't know about splitting the profit between the liquidity provider and the retail broker, seems a little bit far fetch to me, but I actually can't tell, as I don't know much about the details in the Forex industry as a whole. What we know is, that it has been a lot of rigging about prices between banks in the past, and it was amazing to observe how easily and cheap they could get away with it.

yes bucket shops.....
Market makers have their place in the finacial industry, this for good and bad.

most of them are crooks, if they can take advantage of you they will, a few are not, you need to do your own search and keep your eyes wide open......

Trading is very difficult, you do not want your broker to be a scam....on that slippage incident instead of making 12% I find myself at -2%.

It is not just about money, it is also trying to maintain a steady and peaceful mind where you can take advantages on opportunities........when the above occurs it is difficult to maintain that state of mind.......it shouldn't be...... but it is....
most of them are crooks, if they can take advantage of you they will, a few are not, you need to do your own search and keep your eyes wide open......

Trading is very difficult, you do not want your broker to be a scam....on that slippage incident instead of making 12% I find myself at -2%.

It is not just about money, it is also trying to maintain a steady and peaceful mind where you can take advantages on opportunities........when the above occurs it is difficult to maintain that state of mind.......it shouldn't be...... but it is....
When it comes to trading I have been around for a long time. Most of the market makers are not crooks (might be different for the FX industry), as you say the responsibility falls on the trader, blaming the broker does not help anyone. The market maker will under certain conditions try to protect them selves, but I agree, some of them go way too far and to any lengths in doing so.