Couldn't disagree with this guy more:
1) For the technical analysis, there's a huge amount of guides and info that one could easily get from either the internet or bookstores. Even a complete newcomer, so long as one ain't illiterate he could definitely study by himself. So one really doesn't need to pay 5000 quids to experience the "ah ha, I never heard of it before!", right?
2) You opt for the so-called trader training couse partly due to the fear of losing money in the market, well, that's a remarkably "smart" idea -- so what about the 5000 pounds tuition fee? That's not a loss at all in your mind, is it? Actually, if you take the plundge to strart learning swiming in a shallow pool, you won't risk too much drowning yourself. The same with the market, especially the currency and index intra-day trading, the market could hardly cost you more than you paid for those charlatans, given you've got the basic concepts in your mind to avoid mixing up buy & sell and start cautiously with small trading size. Both are tuition fees, but I couldn't see any point in the choice of paying a fixed lump sum of money to those miserable losers in the hope of training you to be a successful trader, rather than paying a far less costly tuition fee directly to the market, the genuine teacher for training a trader, not to mention the potential gain side of the market.
3)I don't know about the situation in Madrid, as for the London office, you are not SURROUNDED by the real traders, actually just ONE, whose identification I still doubt. Besides, to trade in their London office, which is quite small and shared with onother company, is meaningless and actually little different than remote training, because you are not expected to get any advice or guidance from the only onsite trader(if he really is) as all the guidance and communications will be conducted via the online platform and chat room. So what does one really benefit from their onsite training hence have to pay more? Drinking machine, multi-screen deskstops, or maybe good feelings, whatsoever.
4) Last but not least, I really doubt: "since the course" you "had NO PROBLEM getting a job as a TRADER WITH A SALARY". Is that really the truth? Come on, we were not born last week, are we?