Converting IP Feed to DDE


Junior member
Anyone know how to convert an incomming IP price feed into a DDE feed which other windows applications can use?
Write (or purchase, if one is available) an application that understands the format of the information stream coming in over IP and publishes it as a DDE provider. Don't think you're going to get a simpler solution than that

I have found an application on the web which can be purchased, but it's way too expensive. My knowledge of TCP/IP is very limited and I guess I am looking for some direction which may help me perhaps write a VB application if needed. I was hoping there was a simple application available that could tie the IP stream together with a DDE server.
Gerardicus said:

I have found an application on the web which can be purchased, but it's way too expensive. My knowledge of TCP/IP is very limited and I guess I am looking for some direction which may help me perhaps write a VB application if needed. I was hoping there was a simple application available that could tie the IP stream together with a DDE server.

Gerardicus whats the IP feed? Other products may already do this type of thing for you. But using a DDE feed may not be the best solution from a performance point of view.

I've got an Updata feed, which I believe is an IP feed, and am looking at whether it will work with TradeStation for example. There is some software on the web called OwnData which links Tradestation to any DDE feed, so you don't need to use Tradestations own data feed, and you can use any data source you like, such as eSignal, or even ascii files for historical use. But I have Updata which is an excellent feed, and am looking at whether I can use it elsewhere.
OK got you. I have seen people mention the HyperTools server or something along those lines which can be used to feed other vendors data into TS, perhaps it would be of help.

Looking at the site, this may be the product you found.

The Hypertrader site looks just the jobby. Need to spend some time with this. Thanks a lot Stew.