Computer repair


Experienced member
Last week my computer wouldn't start and I took it to a local repair shop. I build my own computers but didn't know how to diagnose this problem, so I took it to the shop.

They said the processor and motherboard had been damaged by the processor over-heating and they would have to be replaced.

I called Saturday morning and was told the motherboard was in and it would soon be finished. They didn't call back. Monday morning I was told it would soon be ready. They didn't call back.

Today (Tuesday) I went to see what was happening. My computer has been opened, all the leads have been removed, 256mb ram has been removed but the old motherboard is still in. They are still waiting for a motherboard to be delivered. I can't take the computer back as it is missing all the internal leads and the ram. They now tell me that the motherboard is being delivered toady and they will fix it and put back the missing ram.

Has anyone else had these sort of problems? I don't know what to do as I have no faith in the shop but my computer is in such a mess I can't take it away like it is.

It looks like they open up computers and take bits from one and put them in to another. Most people wouldn't notice. I really want to do something about this but I don't know where to start.

I will never take my computer to a shop again.
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Big Business- make SURE you get all the duff bits back. Insist on it. In my experience, when a CPU overheats, it's ONLY because the CPU fan fails or goes sticky.The motherboard rarely follows this demise.Ask them if they know why the cpu burnt out..... If you want advice or help, ring me on 01 252 515 666
Big Business,

Did you remember to add the thermal paste before you fitted the heatsink? My guess is that the CPU has overheated as Chartman says, and you should be able to see the scorch marks on the CPU itself.

FWIW, the motherboard should be OK, on this basis.
Thanks for the replies and the good advice. Someone from another website suggested using this software to make a detailed description of the computer's hardware and software before taking it to a shop for repair. Seems like a sensible idea and the software is free.
For those of us concerned about overheating I can recommend the following utility:

It is free and I run it on a machine I use for video editing which pushes the CPU to full use for long periods.
Thanks for the tips. They will be useful in the future. The computer was finally repaired. They tried to keep my 256mb ram but in the end they replaced it.

From now on I will be a bit more circumspect about who I allow to fiddle with my computer.
You sound like a real pain in the **** - someone who thinks he knows about computers but obviously doesn't . You probably think the repair shops should charge around £5 an hour and be grateful for you popping round to tell'm how it should be done.
Thanks for the constructive criticism! Yes, I should have been grateful that they tried to reduce my ram by 256mb. I should have been filled with joy when I went to collect my computer, after they told me it would be ready, only to find they hadn't even ordered the replacement motherboard.

Next time I will just hand over the cash and ask no questions. My knowledge of computers is obviously far to poor for these experts.

enochtheknocker said:
You sound like a real pain in the **** - someone who thinks he knows about computers but obviously doesn't .
Please take your (knocker) remarks somewhere else, I see that that was your first post ------1.02am ------so maybe to much alcohol ???