there is nothing in life that is free - either they charge you a flat fee or they charge you a fee via a wider spread. You don't even really want to deal with a provider that offers zero commissions - see what happened with WorldSpreads!!!!!
there is nothing in life that is free - either they charge you a flat fee or they charge you a fee via a wider spread. You don't even really want to deal with a provider that offers zero commissions - see what happened with WorldSpreads!!!!!
Without wishing to comment on WorldSpreads specifically, there is a basic truth to what guidfarr says. This is touched upon in this FAQ which might be helpful to you: What are the Pros and Cons of Spread Betting Vs CFDs? I may be wrong as I've not looked into this for quite some time but, FWIW, if you're wanting to avoid paying fixed comm's - then your best bet is probably going to a the spread betting route. I say this on the basis that there are loads of SB brokers offering a wide choice and lots of competition between them - whereas, there are very few commission free CFD providers - making the choice and benefits of competition pretty limited.
Forget taking leverage for CFD trading with most brokers all you will end up doing is risking running yourself into debt to pay theirs fees, most brokers are less use than a monkey with a pin!