CMS Forex auto-execution facility


Hi all,
Just a quick question to anyone out there who currently uses the CMS Forex auto-execution facility. Basically I am looking to use their platform to execute FOREX trades based upon various scenarios being achieved with various indicators. My questions are as follows:-

1) As I always want to be in the market irrespective of direction, when my first trade is executed would I have to change the contract size after the first trade is executed i.e LONG 1 SHORT 2 LONG 2 etc etc?

2) This probably a silly question but as you get some good moves sometimes in Asia overnight is it necessary to keep your PC logged onto their website or will they keep auto-executing trades until you tell it otherwise?

I am also interested in CMS and their automated forex indicator buider. On a different thread the general consensus seemed to be that they had some way to go in terms of making the automation process reliable. Would be interested to hear about others experiences though.

I ran the demo system for a short while in order to test the auto trading facility, and it simply did not work. One of the fundamental instructions ( can't remember what it was called but it indicated whether you were in or out of a trade already) did nothing, and without that it was useless. This was a few months ago, so it may have improved - look at to see what the current users are saying about it.