CMC markets website on android



I wanted to know if someone uses CMC markets and has got an andriod phone and can access the website. Because I have tried using the website to trade on my itouch but it logs you out after a minute. As the andriod now has flash support available for it I wanted someone to test the website and let me know if it works so that I can consider getting an anroid phone.


I wanted to know if someone uses CMC markets and has got an andriod phone and can access the website. Because I have tried using the website to trade on my itouch but it logs you out after a minute. As the andriod now has flash support available for it I wanted someone to test the website and let me know if it works so that I can consider getting an anroid phone.


Yes am now thinking best way to access via i need to buy iphone? Or android 2.2? You say ipod touch is no good? (that was another alternative) Don't understand why they have changed it, it was pretty good for looking at stuff on the go. I know(think) that any phone must have latest flash vers 10 to access the new web platform..

anybody have any ideas? change to City Index? Bit silly to buy iphone if they are going to introduce version for symbian and android..
sorry not an answer..but maybe another post will attract one!
Yes it works, but not good. But it's great if you just want to look or do something smäll and/or easy.

Android can easily
be emulated on your pc. Google it!