CMC Markets. Next Gen Platform. No Daily Mark to Market


I am a relatively experienced investor but typically make long term spread bet investments (I know - there are probably better ways). Nonetheless, my strategy is relatively successful.

I had been a long term user of the old CMC platform. This platform does a daily mark to market realising P&L back into the cash position making it available for re-investment.

The new platform does not undertake a daily mark to market. P&L is left unrealised against each of the trades and thus P&L is not available for re-investment. This means that anyone trading with a longer term strategy, that is successful and wishes to compound their profits by re-investing will need to liquidate positions and then re-invest incurring a spread cost.

Thus for me, with my successful long-term strategy the new CMC platform is proving to be more costly than the old platform.

I am now looking to move to another SB firm that undertakes a daily mark to market. Your opinions on where I should go please.

Thanks in advance.